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+ 88 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#ifndef _TEMPLATE_H_
+#define _TEMPLATE_H_
+/* Looping and Iteration */
+ *  Template for the general structure of a loop.
+ */
+#define TEMPLATE_LOOP(setup, loop_def, body)    \
+    do                                          \
+    {                                           \
+        setup;                                  \
+        loop_def {                              \
+            body;                               \
+        }                                       \
+    } while (0)
+ *  Template for looping over an array-like sequence.
+ */
+#define TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_LIKE(iter_idx, type,                            \
+                             arr, arr_length,                           \
+                             iter_elem_setup,                           \
+                             body)                                      \
+    do                                                                  \
+    {                                                                   \
+        TEMPLATE_LOOP(                                                  \
+            int iter_idx,                                               \
+            for(iter_idx = 0; iter_idx < (arr_length); ++iter_idx),     \
+            iter_elem_setup;                                            \
+            body);                                                      \
+    } while (0)
+ *  Template for looping over the contents of an array.
+ */
+#define TEMPLATE_DO_ARR(iter_idx, type, iter_elem, arr, arr_length, body) \
+    do                                                                  \
+    {                                                                   \
+        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_LIKE(                                           \
+            iter_idx, type, arr, arr_length,                            \
+            type iter_elem = (arr)[iter_idx],                           \
+            body);                                                      \
+    } while (0)
+ *  Template for looping over the contents of an #ARR_DESC.
+ */
+#define TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(iter_idx, type, iter_elem, arr_desc, body) \
+    do                                                                  \
+    {                                                                   \
+        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_LIKE(                                           \
+            iter_idx, type, arr_desc, (arr_desc).element_count,         \
+            type iter_elem = ARR_DESC_ELT(type, iter_idx, &(arr_desc)), \
+            body);                                                      \
+    } while (0)
+/* Test Definition */
+ *  Template for the general structure of a test.
+ */
+#define TEMPLATE_TEST(setup, body, teardown)    \
+        do                                      \
+        {                                       \
+            setup;                              \
+            body;                               \
+            teardown;                           \
+        } while (0)
+ *  Template for calling a function.
+ *
+ *  @note Surround function arguments with the #PAREN() macro.
+ *
+ *  @example
+ *  void my_func(int arg1, int arg2);
+ *
+ *  TEMPLATE_CALL_FN(my_func, PAREN(3, 7));
+ */
+#define TEMPLATE_CALL_FN(fn, fn_args)           \
+        fn fn_args
+#endif /* _TEMPLATE_H_ */

+ 458 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+/* Includes */
+#include "template.h"
+#include <string.h>             /* memcmp() */
+#include <inttypes.h>           /* PRIu32 */
+#include "math_helper.h"        /* arm_snr_f32() */
+/* Function Aliases for use in Templates. */
+#define ref_q31_t_to_float ref_q31_to_float
+#define ref_q15_t_to_float ref_q15_to_float
+#define ref_q7_t_to_float  ref_q7_to_float
+#define ref_float_to_q31_t ref_float_to_q31
+#define ref_float_to_q15_t ref_float_to_q15
+#define ref_float_to_q7_t  ref_float_to_q7
+#define ref_float32_t_to_float ref_copy_f32
+#define ref_float_to_float32_t ref_copy_f32
+/* Macros and Defines */
+ *  Call the function-under-test.
+ */
+#define TEST_CALL_FUT(fut, fut_args)                    \
+ *  Call the reference-function.
+ */
+#define TEST_CALL_REF(ref, ref_args)            \
+    TEMPLATE_CALL_FN(ref, ref_args)
+ *  Call the function-under-test and the reference-function.
+ */
+#define TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(fut, fut_args, ref, ref_args) \
+    do {                                                    \
+        TEST_CALL_FUT(fut, fut_args);                       \
+        TEST_CALL_REF(ref, ref_args);                       \
+    } while (0)
+ *  This macro eats a variable number of arguments and evaluates to a null
+ *  statement.
+ */
+ *  A function name, Usable in any template where a fut or ref name is accepted,
+ *  that evaluates to a #TEST_NULL_STATEMENT().
+ */
+ *  Assert that buffers A and B are byte-equivalent for a number of bytes.
+ */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_BUFFERS_EQUAL(buf_a, buf_b, bytes)  \
+    do                                                  \
+    {                                                   \
+        if (memcmp(buf_a, buf_b, bytes) != 0)           \
+        {                                               \
+            return JTEST_TEST_FAILED;                   \
+        }                                               \
+    } while (0)
+ *  Assert that the two entities are equal.
+ */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(a, b)                         \
+    do                                                  \
+    {                                                   \
+        if ((a) != (b))                                 \
+        {                                               \
+            return JTEST_TEST_FAILED;                   \
+        }                                               \
+    } while (0)
+ *  Convert elements to from src_type to float.
+ */
+#define TEST_CONVERT_TO_FLOAT(src_ptr, dst_ptr, block_size, src_type)   \
+    do                                                                  \
+    {                                                                   \
+        ref_##src_type##_to_float(                                      \
+            src_ptr,                                                    \
+            dst_ptr,                                                    \
+            block_size);                                                \
+        } while (0)                                                      \
+ *  Convert elements to from float to dst_type .
+ */
+#define TEST_CONVERT_FLOAT_TO(src_ptr, dst_ptr, block_size, dst_type)   \
+    do                                                                  \
+    {                                                                   \
+        ref_float_to_##dst_type(                                        \
+            src_ptr,                                                    \
+            dst_ptr,                                                    \
+            block_size);                                                \
+    } while (0)                                                          \
+ *  Assert that the SNR between a reference and test sample is above a given
+ *  threshold.
+ */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_SNR(ref_ptr, tst_ptr, block_size, threshold)    \
+    do                                                              \
+    {                                                               \
+        float32_t snr = arm_snr_f32(ref_ptr, tst_ptr, block_size);  \
+        if ( snr <= threshold)                                       \
+        {                                                           \
+            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("SNR: %f\n", snr);                      \
+            return JTEST_TEST_FAILED;                               \
+        }                                                           \
+    } while (0)                                                      \
+ *  Assert that the SNR between a reference and test sample is above a given
+ *  threshold.  Special case for float64_t
+ */
+#define TEST_ASSERT_DBL_SNR(ref_ptr, tst_ptr, block_size, threshold)    \
+    do                                                              \
+    {                                                               \
+        float64_t snr = arm_snr_f64(ref_ptr, tst_ptr, block_size);  \
+        if ( snr <= threshold)                                       \
+        {                                                           \
+            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("SNR: %f\n", snr);                      \
+            return JTEST_TEST_FAILED;                               \
+        }                                                           \
+    } while (0)                                                      \
+ *  Compare test and reference elements by converting to float and
+ *  calculating an SNR.
+ *
+ *  This macro is a merger of the #TEST_CONVERT_TO_FLOAT() and
+ *  #TEST_ASSERT_SNR() macros.
+ */
+#define TEST_CONVERT_AND_ASSERT_SNR(ref_dst_ptr, ref_src_ptr,   \
+                                    tst_dst_ptr, tst_src_ptr,   \
+                                    block_size,                 \
+                                    tst_src_type,               \
+                                    threshold)                  \
+        do                                                      \
+        {                                                       \
+            TEST_CONVERT_TO_FLOAT(ref_src_ptr,                  \
+                                  ref_dst_ptr,                  \
+                                  block_size,                   \
+                                  tst_src_type);                \
+            TEST_CONVERT_TO_FLOAT(tst_src_ptr,                  \
+                                  tst_dst_ptr,                  \
+                                  block_size,                   \
+                                  tst_src_type);                \
+            TEST_ASSERT_SNR(ref_dst_ptr,                        \
+                            tst_dst_ptr,                        \
+                            block_size,                         \
+                            threshold);                         \
+        } while (0)
+ *  Execute statements only if the combination of block size, function type
+ *  specifier, and input ARR_DESC_t are valid.
+ *
+ *  @example An ARR_DESC_t that contains 64 bytes cant service a 32 element
+ *  block size if they are extracted in float32_t increments.
+ *
+ *  8 * 32 = 256 > 64.
+ */
+#define TEST_DO_VALID_BLOCKSIZE(block_size, fn_type_spec,   \
+                                input_arr_desc, body)       \
+    do                                                      \
+    {                                                       \
+        if (block_size * sizeof(fn_type_spec) <=             \
+           ARR_DESC_BYTES(input_arr_desc))                  \
+        {                                                   \
+            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %"PRIu32"\n", block_size); \
+            body;                                           \
+        }                                                   \
+    } while (0)                                              \
+ *  Template for tests that rely on one input buffer and a blocksize parameter.
+ *
+ *  The buffer is an #ARR_DESC_t.  It is iterated over and it's values are
+ *  passed to the function under test and reference functions through their
+ *  appropriate argument interfaces.  The argument interfaces this template to
+ *  execute structurally similar functions.
+ *
+ */
+#define TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK(arr_desc_inputs,                         \
+                              arr_desc_block_sizes,                     \
+                              input_type, output_type,                  \
+                              fut, fut_arg_interface,                   \
+                              ref, ref_arg_interface,                   \
+                              compare_interface)                        \
+    do                                                                  \
+    {                                                                   \
+        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                           \
+            input_idx, ARR_DESC_t *, input_ptr, arr_desc_inputs         \
+            ,                                                           \
+            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                       \
+                block_size_idx, uint32_t, block_size, arr_desc_block_sizes \
+                ,                                                       \
+                void *   input_data_ptr = input_ptr->data_ptr;          \
+                                                                        \
+                TEST_DO_VALID_BLOCKSIZE(                                \
+                    block_size, input_type, input_ptr                   \
+                    ,                                                   \
+                    TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                              \
+                        fut, fut_arg_interface(                         \
+                            input_data_ptr, block_size),                \
+                        ref, ref_arg_interface(                         \
+                            input_data_ptr, block_size));               \
+                                                                        \
+                    compare_interface(block_size, output_type))));      \
+                                                                        \
+        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                       \
+                                                                        \
+    } while (0)
+ *  Template for tests that rely on an input buffer and an element.
+ *
+ *  An element can is any thing which doesn't walk and talk like a
+ *  sequence. Examples include numbers, and structures.
+ */
+#define TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_ELT1(arr_desc_inputs,                        \
+                                arr_desc_elts,                          \
+                                input_type, elt_type, output_type,      \
+                                fut, fut_arg_interface,                 \
+                                ref, ref_arg_interface,                 \
+                                compare_interface)                      \
+        do                                                              \
+        {                                                               \
+            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                       \
+                input_idx, ARR_DESC_t *, input_ptr, arr_desc_inputs     \
+                ,                                                       \
+                TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                   \
+                    elt_idx, elt_type, elt, arr_desc_elts               \
+                    ,                                                   \
+                    void * input_data_ptr = input_ptr->data_ptr;        \
+                    TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                              \
+                        fut, fut_arg_interface(input_data_ptr, elt),    \
+                        ref, ref_arg_interface(input_data_ptr, elt));   \
+                                                                        \
+                    compare_interface(output_type)));                   \
+            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
+        } while (0)
+ *  Template for tests that rely on an input buffer, an element, and a blocksize
+ *  parameter.
+ */
+#define TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_ELT1_BLK(arr_desc_inputs,                \
+                                    arr_desc_elts,                  \
+                                    arr_desc_block_sizes,           \
+                                    input_type, elt_type, output_type,  \
+                                    fut, fut_arg_interface,         \
+                                    ref, ref_arg_interface,         \
+                                    compare_interface);             \
+    do                                                              \
+    {                                                               \
+        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                       \
+            inut_idx, ARR_DESC_t *, input_ptr, arr_desc_inputs      \
+            ,                                                       \
+            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                   \
+                block_size_idx, uint32_t, block_size,               \
+                arr_desc_block_sizes                                \
+                ,                                                   \
+                TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                               \
+                    elt_idx, elt_type, elt, arr_desc_elts           \
+                    ,                                               \
+                    void * input_data_ptr = input_ptr->data_ptr;    \
+                    TEST_DO_VALID_BLOCKSIZE(                        \
+                        block_size, input_type, input_ptr,          \
+                                              \
+                        TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                      \
+                            fut, fut_arg_interface(                 \
+                                input_data_ptr, elt, block_size),   \
+                            ref, ref_arg_interface(                 \
+                                input_data_ptr, elt, block_size));  \
+                        compare_interface(block_size, output_type))))); \
+        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
+    } while (0)
+ *  Template for tests that rely on an input buffer, two elements, and a blocksize
+ *  parameter.
+ */
+#define TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_ELT2_BLK(arr_desc_inputs,                    \
+                                    arr_desc_elt1s,                     \
+                                    arr_desc_elt2s,                     \
+                                    arr_desc_block_sizes,               \
+                                    input_type, elt1_type,              \
+                                    elt2_type, output_type,             \
+                                    fut, fut_arg_interface,             \
+                                    ref, ref_arg_interface,             \
+                                    compare_interface)                  \
+        do                                                              \
+        {                                                               \
+            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                       \
+                inut_idx, ARR_DESC_t *, input_ptr, arr_desc_inputs      \
+                ,                                                       \
+                TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                   \
+                    block_size_idx, uint32_t, block_size,               \
+                    arr_desc_block_sizes                                \
+                    ,                                                   \
+                    TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                               \
+                        elt1_idx, elt1_type, elt1, arr_desc_elt1s       \
+                        ,                                               \
+                        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                           \
+                            elt2_idx, elt2_type, elt2, arr_desc_elt2s   \
+                            ,                                           \
+                            void * input_data_ptr = input_ptr->data_ptr; \
+                            TEST_DO_VALID_BLOCKSIZE(                    \
+                                block_size, input_type, input_ptr,      \
+                                TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                  \
+                                    fut, fut_arg_interface(             \
+                                        input_data_ptr, elt1, elt2, block_size), \
+                                    ref, ref_arg_interface(             \
+                                        input_data_ptr, elt1, elt2, block_size)); \
+                                compare_interface(block_size, output_type)))))); \
+            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
+        } while (0)
+ *  Template for tests that rely on two input buffers and a blocksize parameter.
+ *
+ *  The two #ARR_DESC_t, input buffers are iterated through in parallel. The
+ *  length of the first #ARR_DESC_t determines the length of the iteration.
+ */
+#define TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF2_BLK(arr_desc_inputs_a,                       \
+                              arr_desc_inputs_b,                        \
+                              arr_desc_block_sizes,                     \
+                              input_type, output_type,                  \
+                              fut, fut_arg_interface,                   \
+                              ref, ref_arg_interface,                   \
+                              compare_interface)                        \
+    do                                                                  \
+    {                                                                   \
+        /* Iterate over two input arrays in parallel.*/                 \
+        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                           \
+            input_idx, ARR_DESC_t *, input_ptr, arr_desc_inputs_a       \
+            ,                                                           \
+            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                       \
+                block_size_idx, uint32_t, block_size, arr_desc_block_sizes, \
+                void * input_a_ptr = input_ptr->data_ptr;               \
+                void * input_b_ptr = ARR_DESC_ELT(                      \
+                    ARR_DESC_t *, input_idx,                            \
+                    &(arr_desc_inputs_b))->data_ptr;                    \
+                                                                        \
+                TEST_DO_VALID_BLOCKSIZE(                                \
+                    block_size, input_type, input_ptr                   \
+                    ,                                                   \
+                    TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                              \
+                        fut, fut_arg_interface(                         \
+                            input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, block_size),      \
+                        ref, ref_arg_interface(                         \
+                            input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, block_size));     \
+                                                                        \
+                    compare_interface(block_size, output_type))));      \
+        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                       \
+    } while (0)
+ *  Test template that uses a single element.
+ */
+#define TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(arr_desc_elts,                       \
+                           elt_type, output_type,               \
+                           fut, fut_arg_interface,              \
+                           ref, ref_arg_interface,              \
+                           compare_interface)                   \
+        do                                                      \
+        {                                                       \
+            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                               \
+                elt_idx, elt_type, elt, arr_desc_elts           \
+                ,                                               \
+                TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                          \
+                    fut, fut_arg_interface(                     \
+                        elt),                                   \
+                    ref, ref_arg_interface(                     \
+                        elt));                                  \
+                /* Comparison interfaces typically accept */    \
+                /* a block_size. Pass a dummy value 1.*/        \
+                compare_interface(1, output_type));             \
+            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                           \
+        } while (0)
+ *  Test template that iterates over two sets of elements in parallel.
+ *
+ *  The length of the first set determines the number of iteratsions.
+ */
+#define TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT2(arr_desc_elts_a,                     \
+                           arr_desc_elts_b,                     \
+                           elt_a_type, elt_b_type, output_type, \
+                           fut, fut_arg_interface,              \
+                           ref, ref_arg_interface,              \
+                           compare_interface)                   \
+        do                                                      \
+        {                                                       \
+            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                               \
+                elt_a_idx, elt_a_type, elt_a, arr_desc_elts_a   \
+                ,                                               \
+                elt_b_type * elt_b = ARR_DESC_ELT(              \
+                    elt_b_type,                                 \
+                    elt_a_idx,                                  \
+                    arr_desc_elts_b);                           \
+                                                                \
+                TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                          \
+                    fut, fut_arg_interface(                     \
+                        elt_a, elt_b),                          \
+                    ref, ref_arg_interface(                     \
+                        elt_a, elt_b));                         \
+                /* Comparison interfaces typically accept */    \
+                /* a block_size. Pass a dummy value 1.*/        \
+                compare_interface(1, output_type));             \
+            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                           \
+        } while (0)
+ *  Test template that uses an element and a block size.
+ */
+#define TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1_BLK(arr_desc_elts,                       \
+                               arr_desc_block_sizes,                \
+                               elt_type, output_type,               \
+                               fut, fut_arg_interface,              \
+                               ref, ref_arg_interface,              \
+                               compare_interface)                   \
+        do                                                          \
+        {                                                           \
+            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                   \
+                block_size_idx, uint32_t, block_size,               \
+                arr_desc_block_sizes                                \
+                ,                                                   \
+                TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                               \
+                    elt_idx, elt_type, elt, arr_desc_elts           \
+                    ,                                               \
+                    JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n",             \
+                         (int)block_size);                          \
+                    TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                          \
+                        fut, fut_arg_interface(                     \
+                            elt, block_size),                       \
+                        ref, ref_arg_interface(                     \
+                            elt, block_size));                      \
+                    compare_interface(block_size, output_type)));   \
+            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                               \
+        } while (0)
+#endif /* _TEST_TEMPLATES_H_ */