add_server.html 42 KB

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  143. // // 原本就註解
  144. // //驗證token,如果不符合或過期就登出回登入頁
  145. // var str = localStorage.getItem('Hello');
  146. // $.ajax({
  147. // type: "GET",
  148. // url: "/auth",
  149. // headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + str},
  150. // success: function(result){
  151. // console.log(result.identity);
  152. // },
  153. // error: function(result){
  154. // window.location.href='/logout';
  155. // }
  156. // });
  157. $(function(){
  158. console.log("OK")
  159. var aa = 'AA';
  160. // 0429 Rita eval 測試
  161. // eval('var ' + aa + 'name = $("input[name=user_loginname]").val();')
  162. // console.log(AAname);
  163. var namespace = '/test_conn';
  164. var url = '';
  165. var port = '5000';
  166. // var socket = io.connect(url + ':' + port + namespace);
  167. // var item = document.getElementById('python3.8-status');
  168. // = '0%';
  169. // item.innerText = '0%';
  170. // timer_python38 = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('python3.8-status')", 2000);
  171. // window.setInterval("abs_update()", 1000);
  172. // socket.on('connect', function() {
  173. // socket.emit('connect_event', {data: 'connected!'});
  174. // print("SOCKET CONNECT")
  175. // });
  176. // socket.on('user-confirm', function(msg) {
  177. // console.log(msg);
  178. // if(msg == 'pass'){
  179. // var item = document.getElementById('python3.8-status');
  180. // = '2%';
  181. // item.innerText = '2%';
  182. // timer_python38 = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('python3.8-status')", 2000);
  183. // };
  184. // });
  185. // socket.on('stdout', function(msg) {
  186. // if(msg.indexOf('python3.8') != -1){
  187. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_python38, 'python3.8');
  188. // timer_python3_pip = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('python3-pip-status')", 2000);
  189. // };
  190. // if(msg.indexOf('python3-pip') != -1){
  191. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_python3_pip, 'python3-pip');
  192. // timer_git = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('git-status')", 2000);
  193. // };
  194. // if(msg.indexOf('git') != -1){
  195. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_git, 'git');
  196. // timer_wget = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('wget-status')", 2000);
  197. // };
  198. // if(msg.indexOf('wget') != -1){
  199. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_wget, 'wget');
  200. // timer_grep = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('grep-status')", 2000);
  201. // };
  202. // if(msg.indexOf('grep') != -1){
  203. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_grep, 'grep');
  204. // timer_tasksel = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('tasksel-status')", 2000);
  205. // };
  206. // if(msg.indexOf('tasksel') != -1){
  207. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_tasksel, 'tasksel');
  208. // timer_lamp_server = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('lamp-server-status')", 2000);
  209. // };
  210. // if(msg.indexOf('lamp-server') != -1){
  211. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_lamp_server, 'lamp-server');
  212. // timer_phpMyAdmin510_all_languages = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('phpMyAdmin-5.1.0-all-languages.tar.gz-status')", 2000);
  213. // };
  214. // // // 原本就註解
  215. // // if(msg.indexOf('phpMyAdmin-5.1.0-all-languages.tar.gz') != -1){
  216. // // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_phpMyAdmin510_all_languages, 'phpMyAdmin-5.1.0-all-languages.tar.gz');
  217. // // timer_openssl = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('openssl-status')", 2000);
  218. // // };
  219. // if(msg.indexOf('install phpmyadmin done') != -1){
  220. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_phpMyAdmin510_all_languages, 'phpMyAdmin-5.1.0-all-languages.tar.gz');
  221. // timer_openssl = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('openssl-status')", 2000);
  222. // };
  223. // if(msg.indexOf('openssl') != -1){
  224. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_openssl, 'openssl');
  225. // timer_php_common = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-common-status')", 2000);
  226. // };
  227. // if(msg.indexOf('php-common') != -1){
  228. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php_common, 'php-common');
  229. // timer_php_curl = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-curl-status')", 2000);
  230. // };
  231. // if(msg.indexOf('php-curl') != -1){
  232. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php_curl, 'php-curl');
  233. // timer_php_json = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-json-status')", 2000);
  234. // };
  235. // if(msg.indexOf('php-json') != -1){
  236. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php_json, 'php-json');
  237. // timer_php_mbstring = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-mbstring')", 2000);
  238. // };
  239. // if(msg.indexOf('php-mbstring') != -1){
  240. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php_mbstring, 'php-mbstring');
  241. // timer_php_mysql = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-mysql')", 2000);
  242. // };
  243. // if(msg.indexOf('php-mysql') != -1){
  244. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php_mysql, 'php-mysql');
  245. // timer_php_xml = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-xml-status')", 2000);
  246. // };
  247. // if(msg.indexOf('php-xml') != -1){
  248. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php_xml, 'php-xml');
  249. // timer_php_zip = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-zip-status')", 2000);
  250. // };
  251. // if(msg.indexOf('php-zip') != -1){
  252. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php_zip, 'php-zip');
  253. // timer_php72_mbstring = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-mbstring-status')", 2000);
  254. // };
  255. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-mbstring') != -1){
  256. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php72_mbstring, 'php7.2-mbstring');
  257. // timer_php72_xml = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-xml-status')", 2000);
  258. // };
  259. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-xml') != -1){
  260. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php72_xml, 'php7.2-xml');
  261. // timer_php72_mysql = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-mysql-status')", 2000);
  262. // };
  263. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-mysql') != -1){
  264. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php72_mysql, 'php7.2-mysql');
  265. // timer_php72_common = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-common-status')", 2000);
  266. // };
  267. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-common') != -1){
  268. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php72_common, 'php7.2-common');
  269. // timer_php72_curl = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-curl-status')", 2000);
  270. // };
  271. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-curl') != -1){
  272. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php72_curl, 'php7.2-curl');
  273. // timer_php72_json = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-json-status')", 2000);
  274. // };
  275. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-json') != -1){
  276. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php72_json, 'php7.2-json');
  277. // timer_php72_zip = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-zip-status')", 2000);
  278. // };
  279. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-zip') != -1){
  280. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_php72_zip, 'php7.2-zip');
  281. // timer_service_apache2 = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('service-apache2-start-status')", 2000);
  282. // };
  283. // if(msg.indexOf('service apache2 start') != -1){
  284. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer_service_apache2, 'service-apache2-start');
  285. // timer_setting_mysql = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('setting-mysql-status')", 2000);
  286. // };
  287. // console.log(msg);
  288. // console.log('test1');
  289. // });
  290. // socket.on('stderr', function(msg) {
  291. // if(msg.indexOf('python3.8') != -1){
  292. // ItemInstallFail(timer_python38, 'python3.8');
  293. // timer_python3_pip = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('python3-pip-status')", 2000);
  294. // };
  295. // if(msg.indexOf('python3-pip') != -1){
  296. // ItemInstallFail(timer_python3_pip, 'python3-pip');
  297. // timer_git = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('git-status')", 2000);
  298. // };
  299. // if(msg.indexOf('git') != -1){
  300. // ItemInstallFail(timer_git, 'git');
  301. // timer_wget = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('wget-status')", 2000);
  302. // };
  303. // if(msg.indexOf('wget') != -1){
  304. // ItemInstallFail(timer_wget, 'wget');
  305. // timer_grep = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('grep-status')", 2000);
  306. // };
  307. // if(msg.indexOf('grep') != -1){
  308. // ItemInstallFail(timer_grep, 'grep');
  309. // timer_tasksel = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('tasksel-status')", 2000);
  310. // };
  311. // if(msg.indexOf('tasksel') != -1){
  312. // ItemInstallFail(timer_tasksel, 'tasksel');
  313. // timer_lamp_server = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('lamp-server-status')", 2000);
  314. // };
  315. // if(msg.indexOf('lamp-server') != -1){
  316. // ItemInstallFail(timer_lamp_server, 'lamp-server');
  317. // timer_phpMyAdmin = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('phpMyAdmin-5.1.0-all-languages.tar.gz-status')", 2000);
  318. // };
  319. // // // 原本就註解
  320. // // if(msg.indexOf('phpMyAdmin-5.1.0-all-languages.tar.gz') != -1){
  321. // // ItemInstallFail(timer_phpMyAdmin, 'phpMyAdmin-5.1.0-all-languages.tar.gz');
  322. // // timer_openssl = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('openssl-status')", 2000);
  323. // // };
  324. // if(msg.indexOf('openssl') != -1){
  325. // ItemInstallFail(timer_openssl, 'openssl');
  326. // timer_php_common = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-common-status')", 2000);
  327. // };
  328. // if(msg.indexOf('php-common') != -1){
  329. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php_common, 'php-common');
  330. // timer_php_curl = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-curl-status')", 2000);
  331. // };
  332. // if(msg.indexOf('php-curl') != -1){
  333. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php_curl, 'php-curl');
  334. // timer_php_json = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-json-status')", 2000);
  335. // };
  336. // if(msg.indexOf('php-json') != -1){
  337. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php_json, 'php-json');
  338. // timer_php_mbstring = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-mbstring')", 2000);
  339. // };
  340. // if(msg.indexOf('php-mbstring') != -1){
  341. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php_mbstring, 'php-mbstring');
  342. // timer_php_mysql = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-mysql')", 2000);
  343. // };
  344. // if(msg.indexOf('php-mysql') != -1){
  345. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php_mysql, 'php-mysql');
  346. // timer_php_xml = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-xml-status')", 2000);
  347. // };
  348. // if(msg.indexOf('php-xml') != -1){
  349. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php_xml, 'php-xml');
  350. // timer_php_zip = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php-zip-status')", 2000);
  351. // };
  352. // if(msg.indexOf('php-zip') != -1){
  353. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php_zip, 'php-zip');
  354. // timer_php72_mbstring = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-mbstring-status')", 2000);
  355. // };
  356. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-mbstring') != -1){
  357. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php72_mbstring, 'php7.2-mbstring');
  358. // timer_php72_xml = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-xml-status')", 2000);
  359. // };
  360. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-xml') != -1){
  361. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php72_xml, 'php7.2-xml');
  362. // timer_php72_mysql = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-mysql-status')", 2000);
  363. // };
  364. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-mysql') != -1){
  365. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php72_mysql, 'php7.2-mysql');
  366. // timer_php72_common = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-common-status')", 2000);
  367. // };
  368. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-common') != -1){
  369. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php72_common, 'php7.2-common');
  370. // timer_php72_curl = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-curl-status')", 2000);
  371. // };
  372. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-curl') != -1){
  373. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php72_curl, 'php7.2-curl');
  374. // timer_php72_json = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-json-status')", 2000);
  375. // };
  376. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-json') != -1){
  377. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php72_json, 'php7.2-json');
  378. // timer_php72_zip = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('php7.2-zip-status')", 2000);
  379. // };
  380. // if(msg.indexOf('php7.2-zip') != -1){
  381. // ItemInstallFail(timer_php72_zip, 'php7.2-zip');
  382. // timer_service_apache2 = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('service-apache2-start-status')", 2000);
  383. // };
  384. // if(msg.indexOf('service apache2 start') != -1){
  385. // ItemInstallFail(timer_service_apache2, 'service-apache2-start');
  386. // timer_setting_mysql = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('setting-mysql-status')", 2000);
  387. // };
  388. // console.log(msg);
  389. // console.log('test2');
  390. // });
  391. });
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  398. <span class="website_title">伺服器建置</span>
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  427. <a class="nav-link" href="#"><i class="fa fa-user-o"></i> {{params.username}}</a>
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  440. <table class="table table-bordered" style="font-size:23px;margin-top:30px;">
  441. <tbody>
  442. <tr>
  443. <td>1.請輸入您的IP位置:</td>
  444. <td><input type="text" name="user_ip" value=""></td>
  445. </tr>
  446. <tr>
  447. <td>2.請輸入您的登入帳號:</td>
  448. <td><input type="text" name="user_loginname" value="root"></td>
  449. </tr>
  450. <tr>
  451. <td>3.請輸入您的username:</td>
  452. <td><input type="text" name="user_username" value="gs1802"></td>
  453. </tr>
  454. <tr>
  455. <td>4.請輸入您的password:</td>
  456. <td><input type="password" name="user_password" value="g53743001"></td>
  457. </tr>
  458. </tbody>
  459. </table>
  460. <div class="text-center">
  461. <input type="button" value="建置" name="add_server" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="AddServer()">
  462. </div>
  463. <div class="text-center" id="addServer-status" style="margin-top:30px;color:red;visibility:hidden;">
  464. <h2>伺服器建置中...</h2>
  465. </div>
  466. <div>
  467. <h1>Item install status</h1>
  468. <table class="table table-bordered" style="font-size:23px;margin-top:30px;">
  469. <tbody>
  470. <tr>
  471. <th>Item</th>
  472. <th>Status</th>
  473. </tr>
  474. {% for item in params.L %}
  475. <tr>
  476. <td>{{loop.index}}.{{item}}</td>
  477. <td>
  478. <div class="progress" style="height:35px;">
  479. <div id="{{item}}-status" name="{{item}}-status" class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped"
  480. style="width:0%; height:35px; font-size:20px; color:black; text-align:center;">0%
  481. </div>
  482. </div>
  483. </td>
  484. </tr>
  485. {% endfor %}
  486. <!-- <tr>-->
  487. <!-- <td>1.pymysql</td>-->
  488. <!--&lt;!&ndash; <td><span name="pymysql-status"></span></td>&ndash;&gt;-->
  489. <!-- <td>-->
  490. <!-- <div class="progress" style="height:35px;">-->
  491. <!-- <div id="pymysql-status" class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped" style="width:0%;height:35px;font-size:20px;color:black;text-align:center;">0%</div>-->
  492. <!-- </div>-->
  493. <!-- </td>-->
  494. <!-- </tr>-->
  495. <!-- <tr>-->
  496. <!-- <td>2.eventlet</td>-->
  497. <!--&lt;!&ndash; <td><span name="eventlet-status"></span></td>&ndash;&gt;-->
  498. <!-- <td>-->
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  502. <!-- </td>-->
  503. <!-- </tr>-->
  504. <!-- <tr>-->
  505. <!-- <td>3.flask</td>-->
  506. <!--&lt;!&ndash; <td><span name="eventlet-status"></span></td>&ndash;&gt;-->
  507. <!-- <td>-->
  508. <!-- <div class="progress" style="height:35px;">-->
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  510. <!-- </div>-->
  511. <!-- </td>-->
  512. <!-- </tr>-->
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  515. </div>
  516. </div>
  517. </div>
  518. </div>
  519. </div>
  520. </body>
  521. <script>
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  547. // var timer_paho_mqtt = 0;
  548. // var timer_mosquitto = 0;
  549. // var timer_mqtt_server = 0;
  550. // var timer_watchdog = 0;
  551. // var timer_golang = 0;
  552. // var timer_Git_server = 0;
  553. // var timer_flask = 0;
  554. // var timer_Flask_SQLAlchemy = 0;
  555. // var timer_pymysql = 0;
  556. // var timer_flask_mqtt = 0;
  557. // var timer_flask_migrate = 0;
  558. // var timer_flask_jwt_extended = 0;
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  560. // var timer_pandas = 0;
  561. // var timer_opencv_python = 0;
  562. // var timer_BeautifulSoup4 = 0;
  563. // var timer_selenium = 0;
  564. // var timer_geocoder = 0;
  565. // var timer_AP = 0;
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  568. // var timer_update = 0;
  569. // var timer_upgrade = 0;
  570. // var timer_ros_melodic_desktop_full = 0;
  571. // var timer_ros_melodic_rqt = 0;
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  575. function AddBarIndex(obj){
  576. var item = document.getElementById(obj);
  577. //因假設元素id內有.或是空格的使用jQuery選擇器會找不到,所以改成用js的節點來設置
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  582. var current_width = width.substring(0, width.length-1);
  583. console.log("current_width: " + current_width);
  584. = Number(current_width) + 2 + '%';
  585. // console.log(" " +;
  586. item.innerText = Number(current_width) + 2 + '%';
  587. // console.log("item.innerText: " + item.innerText);
  588. if (current_width == 94) {
  589. console.log(obj + ' INSTALLATION AddBar Pause');
  590. // eval('clearInterval(timer)');
  591. clearInterval(timer);
  592. }
  593. };
  594. function AddServer(){
  595. //var item = document.getElementById('python3.8-status');
  596. // = '2%';
  597. //item.innerText = '2%';
  598. //timer_python38 = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('python3.8-status')", 2000);
  599. $("#addServer-status").css('visibility','visible');
  600. var ip = $("input[name=user_ip]").val();
  601. var loginname = $("input[name=user_loginname]").val();
  602. var username = $("input[name=user_username]").val();
  603. var password = $("input[name=user_password]").val();
  604. var json = {"ip":ip, "loginname":loginname, "username":username, "password":password};
  605. var abs_update_interval = window.setInterval("abs_update()", 1000);
  606. $.post('/add_server', json, function(resText){
  607. $("#addServer-status").css('visibility','hidden');
  608. if(resText == 'Authentication failed.'){
  609. resText = '您輸入的密碼有誤,請重新輸入!';
  610. $("input[name=user_ip]").val('');
  611. $("input[name=user_username]").val('');
  612. $("input[name=user_password]").val('');
  613. };
  614. clearInterval(abs_update_interval);
  615. setTimeout(alert(resText), 1000);
  616. }, 'text');
  617. // 再次確認所以的狀態寫入狀態條中
  618. // for (const key of Object.entries(response)) {
  619. // if (response[key[0]] == 'Install') {
  620. // if (Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] == 'Wait') {
  621. // Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] = 'Install';
  622. // timer = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex('" + key[0] + "-status')", 2000);
  623. // }
  624. // } else if (response[key[0]] == '0') {
  625. // // pass
  626. // } else if (response[key[0]] == 'Error') {
  627. // if (Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] == 'Install') {
  628. // Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] = 'Error';
  629. // ItemInstallFail(timer, key[0]);
  630. // }
  631. // // } else if (response[key[0]] == 'Success') {
  632. // // if (Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] == 'Install') {
  633. // // Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] = 'Success';
  634. // // ItemInstallSuccess(timer, key[0]);
  635. // // }
  636. // // // ========== Rita 0428 測試保留 ==========
  637. // // } else if (Number(response[key[0]]) !== NaN) {
  638. // // if (Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] == 'Install') {
  639. // // Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] = 'Success';
  640. // // ItemInstallSuccess(timer, key[0], response[key[0]]);
  641. // // }
  642. // // // ========== Rita 0428 測試保留 ==========
  643. // } else if (Number(response[key[0]]) !== NaN) {
  644. // if (Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] == 'Install') {
  645. // Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] = response[key[0]];
  646. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer, key[0], response[key[0]]);
  647. // }
  648. // } else {
  649. // console.log("response[key[0]]: " + response[key[0]]);
  650. // }
  651. // }
  652. };
  653. Automatic_Build_System_installation = {
  654. 'python3.8-installation': 'Wait',
  655. 'python3-pip-installation': 'Wait',
  656. 'cryptography-installation': 'Wait',
  657. 'upgrade-installation': 'Wait',
  658. 'grep-installation': 'Wait',
  659. 'git-installation': 'Wait',
  660. 'gitpython-installation': 'Wait',
  661. 'python3-tk-installation': 'Wait',
  662. 'wget-installation': 'Wait',
  663. 'python3-dev-installation': 'Wait',
  664. 'default-libmysqlclient-dev-installation': 'Wait',
  665. 'build-essential-installation': 'Wait',
  666. 'tasksel-installation': 'Wait',
  667. 'lamp-server-installation': 'Wait',
  668. 'phpMyAdmin-5.1.0-all-languages.tar.gz-installation': 'Wait',
  669. 'openssl-installation': 'Wait',
  670. 'php-common-installation': 'Wait',
  671. 'php-curl-installation': 'Wait',
  672. 'php-json-installation': 'Wait',
  673. 'php-mbstring-installation': 'Wait',
  674. 'php-mysql-installation': 'Wait',
  675. 'php-xml-installation': 'Wait',
  676. 'php-zip-installation': 'Wait',
  677. 'php7.2-mbstring-installation': 'Wait',
  678. 'php7.2-xml-installation': 'Wait',
  679. 'php7.2-mysql-installation': 'Wait',
  680. 'php7.2-common-installation': 'Wait',
  681. 'php7.2-curl-installation': 'Wait',
  682. 'php7.2-json-installation': 'Wait',
  683. 'php7.2-zip-installation': 'Wait',
  684. 'apache2-installation': 'Wait',
  685. 'paho-mqtt-installation': 'Wait',
  686. 'mosquitto-installation': 'Wait',
  687. 'mqtt_server_setting-installation': 'Wait',
  688. 'rclocal/rc.local-installation': 'Wait',
  689. 'golang-installation': 'Wait',
  690. 'gogsfile.git-installation': 'Wait',
  691. 'requirements-installation': 'Wait',
  692. 'CoffeeProject.git-installation': 'Wait',
  693. 'BBend-Test-JWT.git-installation': 'Wait',
  694. 'Coffee_MySQL.sql-installation': 'Wait',
  695. 'chrony-installation': 'Wait',
  696. 'ntpdate-installation': 'Wait',
  697. '--keyserver-installation': 'Wait',
  698. 'update-installation': 'Wait',
  699. 'ros-melodic-desktop-full-installation': 'Wait',
  700. 'ros-melodic-rqt*-installation': 'Wait',
  701. 'python-rosdep-installation': 'Wait',
  702. 'python-rosinstall-installation': 'Wait',
  703. 'python-rosinstall-generator-installation': 'Wait',
  704. 'python-wstool-installation': 'Wait',
  705. 'catkin_make-installation': 'Wait'
  706. }
  707. var abs_update_process = 0;
  708. var timer;
  709. function abs_update() {
  710. if (abs_update_process === 1) {
  711. return;
  712. }
  713. abs_update_process = 1;
  714. $.ajax({
  715. async:false,
  716. type:"GET",
  717. url:"/ABS_update",
  718. dataType:"JSON",
  719. success:function(response){
  720. for (const key of Object.entries(response)) {
  721. if (response[key[0]] == 'Install') {
  722. if (Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] == 'Wait') {
  723. Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] = 'Install';
  724. timer = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex(\"" + key[0] + "-status\")", 2000);
  725. // eval('var ' + key[0] + '_timer = window.setInterval("AddBarIndex(\"' + key[0] + '-status\")", 2000);')
  726. // alert('!!!')
  727. }
  728. } else if (response[key[0]] == '0') {
  729. // pass
  730. } else if (response[key[0]] == 'Error') {
  731. if (Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] == 'Install') {
  732. Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] = 'Error';
  733. ItemInstallFail(timer, key[0]);
  734. }
  735. // } else if (response[key[0]] == 'Success') {
  736. // if (Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] == 'Install') {
  737. // Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] = 'Success';
  738. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer, key[0]);
  739. // }
  740. // // ========== Rita 0428 測試保留 ==========
  741. // } else if (Number(response[key[0]]) !== NaN) {
  742. // if (Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] == 'Install') {
  743. // Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] = 'Success';
  744. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer, key[0], response[key[0]]);
  745. // }
  746. // // ========== Rita 0428 測試保留 ==========
  747. } else if (Number(response[key[0]]) !== NaN) {
  748. // Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] = response[key[0]];
  749. // ItemInstallSuccess(timer, key[0], response[key[0]]);
  750. if (Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] == 'Install') {
  751. Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] = response[key[0]];
  752. ItemInstallSuccess(timer, key[0], response[key[0]]);
  753. } else if (Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] == 'Wait') {
  754. Automatic_Build_System_installation[key[0] + '-installation'] = response[key[0]];
  755. console.log(key[0] + " : " + response[key[0]]);
  756. ItemInstallSuccess(timer, key[0], response[key[0]]);
  757. }
  758. } else {
  759. console.log("response[key[0]]: " + response[key[0]]);
  760. }
  761. }
  762. abs_update_process = 0;
  763. },
  764. error:function(thrownError){
  765. console.log("thrownError: " + thrownError);
  766. abs_update_process = 0;
  767. }
  768. });
  769. };
  770. function ItemInstallSuccess(timer_item, item_name, execution_time){
  771. eval('clearInterval(' + timer_item + ')');
  772. var item = document.getElementById(item_name + '-status');
  773. = '100%';
  774. item.innerText = execution_time + 's';
  775. };
  776. function ItemInstallFail(timer_item, item_name){
  777. eval('clearInterval(' + timer_item + ')');
  778. var item = document.getElementById(item_name + '-status');
  779. = '0%';
  780. item.innerText = 'Fail';
  781. = 'red';
  782. = 'bold';
  783. };
  784. </script>
  785. </html>