@@ -384,56 +384,17 @@ def ABS_update():
def add_server_views():
username = session['uname']
L = []
- if request.method == 'GET':
- # # ============================================================================================
- # # # # 232 路徑
- # # Users = os.popen("getent passwd 1000 | cut -d: -f1")
- # # UserFile = Users.read().strip()
- # # print("UserFile:", UserFile)
- # # os.system('git clone -b sh --single-branch /home/' + UserFile + '/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH')
- # # with open('/home/' + UserFile + '/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH/coffeesystem.sh', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- # # D['command'] = f.read().split('\n')
- # # sl(3)
- # # shutil.rmtree('/home/' + UserFile + '/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH', onerror=remove_readonly)
- # # with open('/home/' + UserFile + '/BBend-Test-JWT/Item.txt') as f:
- # # D['item_name'] = f.read().split('\n')
- # # for item in D['item_name']:
- # # L.append('.'.join(item.split('.')[1:])) # 拿掉 '.'.join 的話會變成 [['python3', '8'], ['python3-pip'],
+ CURRENT_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- # # ============================================================================================
- # # # 本機 路徑
- # os.system('git clone -b sh --single-branch C:/Users/USER/Rita/operating/sixthproject/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH')
- # with open('C:/Users/USER/Rita/operating/sixthproject/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH/coffeesystem.sh', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- # D['command'] = f.read().split('\n')
- # # print("D['command']: ", D['command'])
- # sl(3)
- # shutil.rmtree('C:/Users/USER/Rita/operating/sixthproject/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH', onerror=remove_readonly)
- # with open('C:/Users/USER/Rita/operating/sixthproject/BBend-Test-JWT/Item.txt') as f:
- # D['item_name'] = f.read().split('\n')
- # for item in D['item_name']:
- # # L.append('.'.join(item.split('.')[1:])) # 拿掉 '.'.join 的話會變成 [['python3', '8'], ['python3-pip'],
- # L.append(item)
- current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- # print("current_path: ", current_path)
- with open(current_path + '/Item.txt') as f:
+ if request.method == 'GET':
+ with open(CURRENT_PATH + '/Item.txt') as f:
D['item_name'] = f.read().split('\n')
for item in D['item_name']:
# L.append('.'.join(item.split('.')[1:])) # 拿掉 '.'.join 的話會變成 [['python3', '8'], ['python3-pip'],
- # # # ============================================================================================
- # sl(3)
- # L2= []
- # for i in range(0, len(D['command'])):
- # if D['command'][i] == "'" or D['command'][i] == '' or "#" in D['command'][i] or D['command'][i] == ' ':
- # continue
- # L2.append(D['command'][i])
- # D['command'] = L2
- # # # ===========================================================================================================
- STATUS = session['status']
+ # STATUS = session['status']
return render_template('add_server.html', params=locals())
item_install_fail = 0
@@ -468,7 +429,7 @@ def add_server_views():
# 假如帳號密碼正確沒有被捕捉到異常,傳送訊息給前端
# socketio.emit('user-confirm', 'pass', namespace='/test_conn')
- with open('../ItemFile.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvFile:
+ with open(CURRENT_PATH + '/ItemFile.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvFile:
csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)
csvWriter.writerow(['Command', 'Install Content', 'Time', 'Status'])
@@ -477,12 +438,12 @@ def add_server_views():
if eval("item" + str(item_num)) == 'true':
print('========== item ' + str(item_num) + ' install ====================================')
# 下載資料夾
- os.system('git clone -b item' + str(item_num) + ' --single-branch C:/Users/USER/Rita/operating/sixthproject/BBend-Test-JWT/item' + str(item_num) + '')
- with open('C:/Users/USER/Rita/operating/sixthproject/BBend-Test-JWT/item' + str(item_num) + '/item' + str(item_num) + '.sh', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ os.system('git clone -b item' + str(item_num) + ' --single-branch ' + CURRENT_PATH + '/item' + str(item_num) + '')
+ with open( CURRENT_PATH + '/item' + str(item_num) + '/item' + str(item_num) + '.sh', encoding='utf-8') as f:
D['command'] = f.read().split('\n')
# 刪除下載資料夾
- shutil.rmtree('C:/Users/USER/Rita/operating/sixthproject/BBend-Test-JWT/item' + str(item_num) + '', onerror=remove_readonly)
+ shutil.rmtree( CURRENT_PATH + '/item' + str(item_num) + '', onerror=remove_readonly)
# 移除不需要執行之指令
@@ -544,7 +505,7 @@ def add_server_views():
if for_error_command_list == [''] or for_error_command_list == []:
print('=== Warning ===')
- with open('../ItemFile.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvFile:
+ with open(CURRENT_PATH + '/ItemFile.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvFile:
csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)
csvWriter.writerow([command.replace(';', ';\n'),
'success: \n' + success + '\n' + 'error: \n' + error,
@@ -560,7 +521,7 @@ def add_server_views():
if item_install_fail == 0:
item_install_fail = 1
- with open('../ItemFile.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvFile:
+ with open(CURRENT_PATH + '/ItemFile.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvFile:
csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)
csvWriter.writerow([command.replace(';', ';\n'),
'success: \n' + success + '\n' + 'error: \n' + error,
@@ -573,7 +534,7 @@ def add_server_views():
print('=== success ===')
- with open('../ItemFile.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvFile:
+ with open(CURRENT_PATH + '/ItemFile.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvFile:
csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)
csvWriter.writerow([command.replace(';', ';\n'),
'success: \n' + success + '\nerror: \n' + error,
@@ -586,16 +547,12 @@ def add_server_views():
sl(5) # Rita 原本為 sl(6) 增加後觀察是否 clone 輸出會改變
- # os.system('sudo reboot')
- # os.system('sudo systemctl restart rc.local.service')
- stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("sudo systemctl restart rc-local.service")
+ # stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("sudo systemctl restart rc-local.service")
- stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("sudo reboot")
+ # stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("sudo reboot")
- # print("Automatic_Build_System: ")
- # print(Automatic_Build_System)
- with open('../ItemFile.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvFile:
+ with open( CURRENT_PATH + '/ItemFile.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvFile:
csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)
'Automatic_Build_System: \n' + str(Automatic_Build_System),