rita преди 2 години
променени са 1 файла, в които са добавени 37 реда и са изтрити 71 реда
  1. 37 71

+ 37 - 71

@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+from distutils.log import error
 from encodings import utf_8
 from multiprocessing import Value
 from app import create_app
@@ -355,8 +356,6 @@ Automatic_Build_System = {
     'build-essential': '0',
     'tasksel': '0',
     'lamp-server': '0',
-    'tasksel': '0',
-    'lamp-server': '0',
     'phpMyAdmin-5.1.0-all-languages.tar.gz': '0',
     'openssl': '0',
     'php-common': '0',
@@ -376,8 +375,6 @@ Automatic_Build_System = {
     'apache2': '0',
     'paho-mqtt': '0',
     'mosquitto': '0',
-    'paho-mqtt': '0',
-    'mosquitto': '0',
     'mqtt_server_setting': '0',
     'rclocal/rc.local': '0',
     'golang': '0',
@@ -390,7 +387,6 @@ Automatic_Build_System = {
     'ntpdate': '0',
     '--keyserver': '0',
     'update': '0',
-    'upgrade': '0',
     'ros-melodic-desktop-full': '0',
     'ros-melodic-rqt*': '0',
     'python-rosdep': '0',
@@ -410,28 +406,34 @@ def add_server_views():
     username = session['uname']
     L = []
     if request.method == 'GET':
-        # # # 232 路徑
-        os.system('git clone -b sh --single-branch /home/gs1802/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH')
-        with open('/home/gs1802/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH/coffeesystem.sh', encoding='utf-8') as f:
-            D['command'] = f.read().split('\n')
-        sl(3)
-        shutil.rmtree('/home/gs1802/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH', onerror=remove_readonly)
-        with open('/home/gs1802/BBend-Test-JWT/Item.txt') as f:
-            D['item_name'] = f.read().split('\n')
-            for item in D['item_name']:
-                L.append('.'.join(item.split('.')[1:]))         # 拿掉 '.'.join 的話會變成 [['python3', '8'], ['python3-pip'],
         # ============================================================================================
-        # # # 本機 路徑
-        # os.system('git clone -b sh --single-branch C:/Users/USER/Rita/operating/sixthproject/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH')
-        # with open('C:/Users/USER/Rita/operating/sixthproject/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH/coffeesystem.sh', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        # # 232 路徑
+        # Users = os.popen("getent passwd 1000 | cut -d: -f1")
+        # UserFile = Users.read().strip()
+        # print("UserFile:", UserFile)
+        # os.system('git clone -b sh --single-branch /home/' + UserFile + '/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH')
+        # with open('/home/' + UserFile + '/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH/coffeesystem.sh', encoding='utf-8') as f:
         #     D['command'] = f.read().split('\n')
-        # # print("D['command']: ", D['command'])
         # sl(3)
-        # shutil.rmtree('newSH', onerror=remove_readonly)
-        # with open('Item.txt') as f:
+        # shutil.rmtree('/home/' + UserFile + '/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH', onerror=remove_readonly)
+        # with open('/home/' + UserFile + '/BBend-Test-JWT/Item.txt') as f:
         #     D['item_name'] = f.read().split('\n')
         #     for item in D['item_name']:
         #         L.append('.'.join(item.split('.')[1:]))         # 拿掉 '.'.join 的話會變成 [['python3', '8'], ['python3-pip'],
+        # ============================================================================================
+        # # # 本機 路徑
+        os.system('git clone -b sh --single-branch C:/Users/USER/Rita/operating/sixthproject/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH')
+        with open('C:/Users/USER/Rita/operating/sixthproject/BBend-Test-JWT/newSH/coffeesystem.sh', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            D['command'] = f.read().split('\n')
+        # print("D['command']: ", D['command'])
+        sl(3)
+        shutil.rmtree('newSH', onerror=remove_readonly)
+        with open('Item.txt') as f:
+            D['item_name'] = f.read().split('\n')
+            for item in D['item_name']:
+                L.append('.'.join(item.split('.')[1:]))         # 拿掉 '.'.join 的話會變成 [['python3', '8'], ['python3-pip'],
         # # ============================================================================================
@@ -479,12 +481,13 @@ def add_server_views():
                 csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)
                 csvWriter.writerow(['Command', 'Install Content', 'Time', 'Status'])
-            # # # # Rita TEST
+            # # # Rita TEST
             # D['command'] = [
-            #     # 'sudo pip3 install cryptography==3.3.2',
-            #     'sudo apt-key adv --keyserver "hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80" --recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBAB17C654',
-            #     # 'cd /home/gs1802;pwd;sudo git clone /home/gs1802/Coffee_MySQL/',
-            #     # 'rosdep update'
+            #     "sudo apt-get install tasksel -y",
+            #     "sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive tasksel install lamp-server",
+            #     "sudo -H pip3 install paho-mqtt",
+            #     "sudo apt-get install mosquitto -y",
             # ]
             for command in D['command']:
@@ -498,7 +501,6 @@ def add_server_views():
                     if key in command and value == '0':
                         print('key: ', key, ' / command: ', command)
                         Automatic_Build_System[key] = "Install"
-                        # sl(1)      # Rita 原本為 sl(6) 增加後觀察是否 clone 輸出會改變
                         # # 0429 測試用
                         # import random
@@ -506,12 +508,11 @@ def add_server_views():
                         # sl(tt)
                         # Automatic_Build_System[key] = tt
-                # Rita 0428 測試
+                sl(1)
                 command_start_time = time.time()
-                # command = "bash -lc '{}'".format(command)
-                # print(command)
-                stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)   # # Rita 0428 測試
+                # 0504 Rita 測試
+                stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
                 error = stderr.read().decode()
                 success = stdout.read().decode()
                 # print('error: ', error, '\nlen(error): ', len(error))
@@ -519,11 +520,10 @@ def add_server_views():
                 print('success: ', success)
                 if len(success) > 200000:
                     success = success[0:20000] + '... etc'
                 execution_time = round(time.time() - command_start_time, 3)
-                # if error and 'mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.' not in error:
                 if error:
                     # 排除 錯誤訊息中的 警告訊息
                     Warning_list = [
                         "WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager.", 
@@ -604,40 +604,9 @@ def add_server_views():
                         if key in command:
                             Automatic_Build_System[key] = execution_time
-                # # 修改 git 檔案內 app.ini 檔案, 將使用者取代成 username
-                # if 'app.ini' in command :
-                #     command = 'cd /home/' + username + '/gogs/custom/conf/;' + \
-                #                 'pwd;' + \
-                #                 'sed -i "s/使用者/' + username + '/g" app.ini'
-                #     print(command)
-                #     stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
-                #     error = stderr.read().decode()
-                #     success = stdout.read().decode()
-                #     if error:
-                #         print('=== error ===')
-                #         with open('ItemFile.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvFile:
-                #             csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)
-                #             csvWriter.writerow([command.replace(';', ';\n'), 
-                #                                 'success: \n' + success + '\n' + 'error: \n' + error, 
-                #                                 # 'success: \n' + success, 
-                #                                 # 'error: \n' + error, 
-                #                                 execution_time, 
-                #                                 'error'])
-                #     else:
-                #         print('=== success ===')
-                #         with open('ItemFile.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvFile:
-                #             csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)
-                #             csvWriter.writerow([command.replace(';', ';\n'), 
-                #                                 'success: \n' + success + '\nerror: \n' + error, 
-                #                                 execution_time, 
-                #                                 'success'])
-                sl(3)
+                sl(5)     # Rita 原本為 sl(6) 增加後觀察是否 clone 輸出會改變
             # print("Automatic_Build_System: ")
             # print(Automatic_Build_System)
             with open('../ItemFile.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvFile:
@@ -647,11 +616,8 @@ def add_server_views():
-            # # 關閉寫入的 CSV 檔案
-            # csvFile.close()
-            # # 關閉連線
-            # ssh.close()
+            # 關閉連線
+            ssh.close()
             if item_install_fail:
                 res = '有套件未安裝完成!'