1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  2. Changelog for package rplidar_ros
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  4. 1.10.0 (2019-02-22)
  5. ------------------
  6. * Update RPLIDAR SDK to 1.10.0
  7. * [new feature] support Rplidar S1
  8. * Contributors: tony,WubinXia
  9. 1.9.0 (2018-08-24)
  10. ------------------
  11. * Update RPLIDAR SDK to 1.9.0
  12. * [new feature] support baudrate 57600 and 1382400, support HQ scan response
  13. * [bugfix] TCP channel doesn't work
  14. * [improvement] Print warning messages when deprecated APIs are called; imporve angular accuracy for ultra capsuled scan points
  15. * Contributors: tony,kint
  16. 1.7.0 (2018-07-19)
  17. ------------------
  18. * Update RPLIDAR SDK to 1.7.0
  19. * support scan points farther than 16.38m
  20. * upport display and set scan mode
  21. * Contributors: kint
  22. 1.6.0 (2018-05-21)
  23. ------------------
  24. * Release 1.6.0.
  25. * Update RPLIDAR SDK to 1.6.0
  26. * Support new product RPLIDAR A3(default 16K model and max_distance 25m)
  27. * Contributors: kint
  28. 1.5.7 (2016-12-15)
  29. ------------------
  30. * Release 1.5.7.
  31. * Update RPLIDAR SDK to 1.5.7
  32. * Fixed the motor default speed at 10 HZ. Extend the measurement of max_distance from 6m to 8m.
  33. * Contributors: kint
  34. 1.5.5 (2016-08-23)
  35. ------------------
  36. * Release 1.5.5.
  37. * Update RPLIDAR SDK to 1.5.5
  38. * Add RPLIDAR information print, and fix the standard motor speed of RPLIDAR A2.
  39. * Contributors: kint
  40. 1.5.4 (2016-06-02)
  41. ------------------
  42. * Release 1.5.4.
  43. * Update RPLIDAR SDK to 1.5.4
  44. * Support RPLIDAR A2
  45. * Contributors: kint
  46. 1.5.2 (2016-04-29)
  47. ------------------
  48. * Release 1.5.2.
  49. * Update RPLIDAR SDK to 1.5.2
  50. * Support RPLIDAR A2
  51. * Contributors: kint
  52. 1.0.1 (2014-06-03)
  53. ------------------
  54. * Release 1.0.1.
  55. * Add angle compensate mechanism to compatible with ROS scan message
  56. * Add RPLIDAR sdk to the repo.
  57. * First release of RPLIDAR ROS package (1.0.0)
  58. * Initial commit
  59. * Contributors: Ling, RoboPeak Public Repos