@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
+import json
+import time
+import pymysql
+from datetime import datetime
+mqtt_pub_topic = "p"
+mqtt_sub_topic = "p1"
+container_counters = {
+ "Container_1": {"main": 0, "backup": 0},
+ "Container_2": {"main": 0, "backup": 0},
+ "Container_3": {"main": 0, "backup": 0},
+ "Container_4": {"main": 0, "backup": 0},
+ "Container_5": {"main": 0, "backup": 0},
+ "Container_6": {"main": 0, "backup": 0},
+ "Container_7": {"main": 0, "backup": 0},
+ # ... 添加更多貨櫃
+received_containers = set()
+# 初始化MQTT客戶端
+client = mqtt.Client()
+# 設置使用者名稱和密碼
+client.username_pw_set("plant-server", "53743001")
+def upload_status_to_database(device_id, status):
+ db_connection = pymysql.connect(
+ host="",
+ user="plant",
+ password="g53743001",
+ database="plant_test"
+ )
+ cursor = db_connection.cursor()
+ insert_query = "INSERT INTO `all_status` (`Name`, `Status`) VALUES (%s,%s)"
+ cursor.execute(insert_query, (device_id, status))
+ db_connection.commit()
+ cursor.close()
+ db_connection.close()
+ print("已將狀態上傳到資料庫")
+def upload_action_code_to_database(device_id, status,action_code):
+ db_connection = pymysql.connect(
+ host="",
+ user="plant",
+ password="g53743001",
+ database="plant_test"
+ )
+ cursor = db_connection.cursor()
+ insert_query = "INSERT INTO `main_status` (`Name`, `Status`,`Action_code`) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)"
+ cursor.execute(insert_query, (device_id, status, action_code))
+ db_connection.commit()
+ cursor.close()
+ db_connection.close()
+ print("已將狀態上傳到資料庫")
+def upload_action_code_to_database(device_id, status,action_code):
+ db_connection = pymysql.connect(
+ host="",
+ user="plant",
+ password="g53743001",
+ database="plant_test"
+ )
+ cursor = db_connection.cursor()
+ insert_query = "INSERT INTO `backup_status` (`Name`, `Status`,`Action_code`) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)"
+ cursor.execute(insert_query, (device_id, status, action_code))
+ db_connection.commit()
+ cursor.close()
+ db_connection.close()
+ print("已將狀態上傳到資料庫")
+def select_action_code_by_database(device_name):
+ db_connection = pymysql.connect(
+ host="",
+ user="plant",
+ password="g53743001",
+ database="plant_test"
+ )
+ cursor = db_connection.cursor()
+ select_query = "SELECT `Time`,`Name`,`Action_code` FROM `main_status` WHERE `Name` LIKE %s ORDER BY `Time` DESC LIMIT 1"
+ cursor.execute(select_query, (f'%{device_name}%',))
+ results = cursor.fetchall()
+ if results:
+ for row in results:
+ time = row[0]
+ name = row[1]
+ action_code = row[2]
+ print(f"Time: {time}, Device Name: {name}, Action Code: {action_code}")
+ else:
+ print(f"No results found for the device name containing: {device_name}")
+ cursor.close()
+ db_connection.close()
+# 連接回調函數
+def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
+ print("已連接,結果代碼:" + str(rc))
+ # 訂閱主要和備用主題
+ client.subscribe(mqtt_sub_topic)
+container_location_number = None
+# 訊息回調函數
+def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
+ global received_containers
+ print("收到消息:" + msg.payload.decode())
+ # 解析消息数据
+ data = json.loads(msg.payload)
+ container_location_number = data.get("container_location_number")
+ print(container_location_number)
+ received_containers.add(container_location_number)
+# 設置連接和訊息回調函數
+client.on_connect = on_connect
+client.on_message = on_message
+# 連接到MQTT代理
+client.connect("", 1883, 60)
+# 循環等待訊息
+# 發送訊息函數
+def send_message(topic):
+ localtime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
+ current_time = datetime.now()
+ #print("Current Time:", current_time)
+ payload = {
+ 'device_id': 1,
+ 'localtime': str(current_time),
+ 'command': 'system_info'
+ }
+ print('發送訊息:')
+ print(json.dumps(payload))
+ print('------------------')
+ client.publish(topic, json.dumps(payload))
+received_container_main = False
+received_container_backup = False
+main_topic_counter = 0
+backup_topic_counter = 0
+failure_threshold = 6
+# 主迴圈
+while True:
+ # 發送訊息到主要主題和備用主題
+ send_message(mqtt_pub_topic)
+ # 等待一段時間,以便檢查回復
+ time.sleep(10)
+ for container_name, counters in container_counters.items():
+ if f"{container_name}_main" in received_containers and f"{container_name}_backup" in received_containers:
+ print(f"同時收到{container_name}主要和{container_name}備用回復,執行主要動作:123456")
+ # 執行主要動作...
+ action_code ="123456"
+ upload_action_code_to_database(f"{container_name}_main", 'OK',action_code)
+ counters["main"] = 0 # 重置主要計數器
+ counters["backup"] = 0 # 重置備用計數器
+ elif f"{container_name}_main" in received_containers:
+ print(f"僅收到{container_name}主要回復,執行主要動作:123")
+ # 執行主要動作...
+ select_action_code_by_database(f"{container_name}_backup")
+ action_code ="123"
+ #upload_action_code_to_database(f"{container_name}_main", 'OK',action_code)
+ counters["main"] = 0 # 重置主要計數器
+ elif f"{container_name}_backup" in received_containers:
+ print(f"僅收到{container_name}備用回復,執行備用動作:456")
+ # 執行備用動作...
+ select_action_code_by_database(f"{container_name}_main")
+ action_code ="456"
+ #upload_action_code_to_database(f"{container_name}_backup", 'OK',action_code)
+ #print(f"{container_name}_backup")
+ counters["backup"] = 0 # 重置備用計數器
+ else:
+ print(f"{container_name}主要和{container_name}備用均未收到回覆")
+ counters["main"] += 1 # 增加主要計數器
+ counters["backup"] += 1 # 增加備用計數器
+ print(f"Error-{container_name}主要計數器:", counters["main"])
+ print(f"Error-{container_name}備用計數器:", counters["backup"])
+ if counters["main"] >= failure_threshold:
+ print(f"超過{failure_threshold}次,{container_name}主要連線失敗")
+ counters["main"] = 0 # 重置主要計數器
+ # 執行錯誤處理...
+ #upload_status_to_database(container_name+"_main","ERROR")
+ if counters["backup"] >= failure_threshold:
+ print(f"超過{failure_threshold}次,{container_name}備用連線失敗")
+ counters["backup"] = 0 # 重置備用計數器
+ # 執行錯誤處理...
+ #upload_status_to_database(container_name+"_backup","ERROR")
+#SELECT `Time`,`Name`,`Action_code` FROM `main_status` WHERE `Name` LIKE '%Container_1_backup%' ORDER BY `Time` DESC LIMIT 1