@@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
+// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
+// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
+// following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// A bit simpler than readable streams.
+// Implement an async ._write(chunk, encoding, cb), and it'll handle all
+// the drain event emission and buffering.
+'use strict';
+var pna = require('process-nextick-args');
+module.exports = Writable;
+/* <replacement> */
+function WriteReq(chunk, encoding, cb) {
+ this.chunk = chunk;
+ this.encoding = encoding;
+ this.callback = cb;
+ this.next = null;
+// It seems a linked list but it is not
+// there will be only 2 of these for each stream
+function CorkedRequest(state) {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.next = null;
+ this.entry = null;
+ this.finish = function () {
+ onCorkedFinish(_this, state);
+ };
+/* </replacement> */
+var asyncWrite = !process.browser && ['v0.10', 'v0.9.'].indexOf(process.version.slice(0, 5)) > -1 ? setImmediate : pna.nextTick;
+var Duplex;
+Writable.WritableState = WritableState;
+var util = Object.create(require('core-util-is'));
+util.inherits = require('inherits');
+var internalUtil = {
+ deprecate: require('util-deprecate')
+var Stream = require('./internal/streams/stream');
+var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer;
+var OurUint8Array = global.Uint8Array || function () {};
+function _uint8ArrayToBuffer(chunk) {
+ return Buffer.from(chunk);
+function _isUint8Array(obj) {
+ return Buffer.isBuffer(obj) || obj instanceof OurUint8Array;
+var destroyImpl = require('./internal/streams/destroy');
+util.inherits(Writable, Stream);
+function nop() {}
+function WritableState(options, stream) {
+ Duplex = Duplex || require('./_stream_duplex');
+ options = options || {};
+ // Duplex streams are both readable and writable, but share
+ // the same options object.
+ // However, some cases require setting options to different
+ // values for the readable and the writable sides of the duplex stream.
+ // These options can be provided separately as readableXXX and writableXXX.
+ var isDuplex = stream instanceof Duplex;
+ // object stream flag to indicate whether or not this stream
+ // contains buffers or objects.
+ this.objectMode = !!options.objectMode;
+ if (isDuplex) this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!options.writableObjectMode;
+ // the point at which write() starts returning false
+ // Note: 0 is a valid value, means that we always return false if
+ // the entire buffer is not flushed immediately on write()
+ var hwm = options.highWaterMark;
+ var writableHwm = options.writableHighWaterMark;
+ var defaultHwm = this.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024;
+ if (hwm || hwm === 0) this.highWaterMark = hwm;else if (isDuplex && (writableHwm || writableHwm === 0)) this.highWaterMark = writableHwm;else this.highWaterMark = defaultHwm;
+ // cast to ints.
+ this.highWaterMark = Math.floor(this.highWaterMark);
+ // if _final has been called
+ this.finalCalled = false;
+ // drain event flag.
+ this.needDrain = false;
+ // at the start of calling end()
+ this.ending = false;
+ // when end() has been called, and returned
+ this.ended = false;
+ // when 'finish' is emitted
+ this.finished = false;
+ // has it been destroyed
+ this.destroyed = false;
+ // should we decode strings into buffers before passing to _write?
+ // this is here so that some node-core streams can optimize string
+ // handling at a lower level.
+ var noDecode = options.decodeStrings === false;
+ this.decodeStrings = !noDecode;
+ // Crypto is kind of old and crusty. Historically, its default string
+ // encoding is 'binary' so we have to make this configurable.
+ // Everything else in the universe uses 'utf8', though.
+ this.defaultEncoding = options.defaultEncoding || 'utf8';
+ // not an actual buffer we keep track of, but a measurement
+ // of how much we're waiting to get pushed to some underlying
+ // socket or file.
+ this.length = 0;
+ // a flag to see when we're in the middle of a write.
+ this.writing = false;
+ // when true all writes will be buffered until .uncork() call
+ this.corked = 0;
+ // a flag to be able to tell if the onwrite cb is called immediately,
+ // or on a later tick. We set this to true at first, because any
+ // actions that shouldn't happen until "later" should generally also
+ // not happen before the first write call.
+ this.sync = true;
+ // a flag to know if we're processing previously buffered items, which
+ // may call the _write() callback in the same tick, so that we don't
+ // end up in an overlapped onwrite situation.
+ this.bufferProcessing = false;
+ // the callback that's passed to _write(chunk,cb)
+ this.onwrite = function (er) {
+ onwrite(stream, er);
+ };
+ // the callback that the user supplies to write(chunk,encoding,cb)
+ this.writecb = null;
+ // the amount that is being written when _write is called.
+ this.writelen = 0;
+ this.bufferedRequest = null;
+ this.lastBufferedRequest = null;
+ // number of pending user-supplied write callbacks
+ // this must be 0 before 'finish' can be emitted
+ this.pendingcb = 0;
+ // emit prefinish if the only thing we're waiting for is _write cbs
+ // This is relevant for synchronous Transform streams
+ this.prefinished = false;
+ // True if the error was already emitted and should not be thrown again
+ this.errorEmitted = false;
+ // count buffered requests
+ this.bufferedRequestCount = 0;
+ // allocate the first CorkedRequest, there is always
+ // one allocated and free to use, and we maintain at most two
+ this.corkedRequestsFree = new CorkedRequest(this);
+WritableState.prototype.getBuffer = function getBuffer() {
+ var current = this.bufferedRequest;
+ var out = [];
+ while (current) {
+ out.push(current);
+ current = current.next;
+ }
+ return out;
+(function () {
+ try {
+ Object.defineProperty(WritableState.prototype, 'buffer', {
+ get: internalUtil.deprecate(function () {
+ return this.getBuffer();
+ }, '_writableState.buffer is deprecated. Use _writableState.getBuffer ' + 'instead.', 'DEP0003')
+ });
+ } catch (_) {}
+// Test _writableState for inheritance to account for Duplex streams,
+// whose prototype chain only points to Readable.
+var realHasInstance;
+if (typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.hasInstance && typeof Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] === 'function') {
+ realHasInstance = Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance];
+ Object.defineProperty(Writable, Symbol.hasInstance, {
+ value: function (object) {
+ if (realHasInstance.call(this, object)) return true;
+ if (this !== Writable) return false;
+ return object && object._writableState instanceof WritableState;
+ }
+ });
+} else {
+ realHasInstance = function (object) {
+ return object instanceof this;
+ };
+function Writable(options) {
+ Duplex = Duplex || require('./_stream_duplex');
+ // Writable ctor is applied to Duplexes, too.
+ // `realHasInstance` is necessary because using plain `instanceof`
+ // would return false, as no `_writableState` property is attached.
+ // Trying to use the custom `instanceof` for Writable here will also break the
+ // Node.js LazyTransform implementation, which has a non-trivial getter for
+ // `_writableState` that would lead to infinite recursion.
+ if (!realHasInstance.call(Writable, this) && !(this instanceof Duplex)) {
+ return new Writable(options);
+ }
+ this._writableState = new WritableState(options, this);
+ // legacy.
+ this.writable = true;
+ if (options) {
+ if (typeof options.write === 'function') this._write = options.write;
+ if (typeof options.writev === 'function') this._writev = options.writev;
+ if (typeof options.destroy === 'function') this._destroy = options.destroy;
+ if (typeof options.final === 'function') this._final = options.final;
+ }
+ Stream.call(this);
+// Otherwise people can pipe Writable streams, which is just wrong.
+Writable.prototype.pipe = function () {
+ this.emit('error', new Error('Cannot pipe, not readable'));
+function writeAfterEnd(stream, cb) {
+ var er = new Error('write after end');
+ // TODO: defer error events consistently everywhere, not just the cb
+ stream.emit('error', er);
+ pna.nextTick(cb, er);
+// Checks that a user-supplied chunk is valid, especially for the particular
+// mode the stream is in. Currently this means that `null` is never accepted
+// and undefined/non-string values are only allowed in object mode.
+function validChunk(stream, state, chunk, cb) {
+ var valid = true;
+ var er = false;
+ if (chunk === null) {
+ er = new TypeError('May not write null values to stream');
+ } else if (typeof chunk !== 'string' && chunk !== undefined && !state.objectMode) {
+ er = new TypeError('Invalid non-string/buffer chunk');
+ }
+ if (er) {
+ stream.emit('error', er);
+ pna.nextTick(cb, er);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ return valid;
+Writable.prototype.write = function (chunk, encoding, cb) {
+ var state = this._writableState;
+ var ret = false;
+ var isBuf = !state.objectMode && _isUint8Array(chunk);
+ if (isBuf && !Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) {
+ chunk = _uint8ArrayToBuffer(chunk);
+ }
+ if (typeof encoding === 'function') {
+ cb = encoding;
+ encoding = null;
+ }
+ if (isBuf) encoding = 'buffer';else if (!encoding) encoding = state.defaultEncoding;
+ if (typeof cb !== 'function') cb = nop;
+ if (state.ended) writeAfterEnd(this, cb);else if (isBuf || validChunk(this, state, chunk, cb)) {
+ state.pendingcb++;
+ ret = writeOrBuffer(this, state, isBuf, chunk, encoding, cb);
+ }
+ return ret;
+Writable.prototype.cork = function () {
+ var state = this._writableState;
+ state.corked++;
+Writable.prototype.uncork = function () {
+ var state = this._writableState;
+ if (state.corked) {
+ state.corked--;
+ if (!state.writing && !state.corked && !state.finished && !state.bufferProcessing && state.bufferedRequest) clearBuffer(this, state);
+ }
+Writable.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function setDefaultEncoding(encoding) {
+ // node::ParseEncoding() requires lower case.
+ if (typeof encoding === 'string') encoding = encoding.toLowerCase();
+ if (!(['hex', 'utf8', 'utf-8', 'ascii', 'binary', 'base64', 'ucs2', 'ucs-2', 'utf16le', 'utf-16le', 'raw'].indexOf((encoding + '').toLowerCase()) > -1)) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding);
+ this._writableState.defaultEncoding = encoding;
+ return this;
+function decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding) {
+ if (!state.objectMode && state.decodeStrings !== false && typeof chunk === 'string') {
+ chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding);
+ }
+ return chunk;
+Object.defineProperty(Writable.prototype, 'writableHighWaterMark', {
+ // making it explicit this property is not enumerable
+ // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
+ // userland will fail
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ return this._writableState.highWaterMark;
+ }
+// if we're already writing something, then just put this
+// in the queue, and wait our turn. Otherwise, call _write
+// If we return false, then we need a drain event, so set that flag.
+function writeOrBuffer(stream, state, isBuf, chunk, encoding, cb) {
+ if (!isBuf) {
+ var newChunk = decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding);
+ if (chunk !== newChunk) {
+ isBuf = true;
+ encoding = 'buffer';
+ chunk = newChunk;
+ }
+ }
+ var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length;
+ state.length += len;
+ var ret = state.length < state.highWaterMark;
+ // we must ensure that previous needDrain will not be reset to false.
+ if (!ret) state.needDrain = true;
+ if (state.writing || state.corked) {
+ var last = state.lastBufferedRequest;
+ state.lastBufferedRequest = {
+ chunk: chunk,
+ encoding: encoding,
+ isBuf: isBuf,
+ callback: cb,
+ next: null
+ };
+ if (last) {
+ last.next = state.lastBufferedRequest;
+ } else {
+ state.bufferedRequest = state.lastBufferedRequest;
+ }
+ state.bufferedRequestCount += 1;
+ } else {
+ doWrite(stream, state, false, len, chunk, encoding, cb);
+ }
+ return ret;
+function doWrite(stream, state, writev, len, chunk, encoding, cb) {
+ state.writelen = len;
+ state.writecb = cb;
+ state.writing = true;
+ state.sync = true;
+ if (writev) stream._writev(chunk, state.onwrite);else stream._write(chunk, encoding, state.onwrite);
+ state.sync = false;
+function onwriteError(stream, state, sync, er, cb) {
+ --state.pendingcb;
+ if (sync) {
+ // defer the callback if we are being called synchronously
+ // to avoid piling up things on the stack
+ pna.nextTick(cb, er);
+ // this can emit finish, and it will always happen
+ // after error
+ pna.nextTick(finishMaybe, stream, state);
+ stream._writableState.errorEmitted = true;
+ stream.emit('error', er);
+ } else {
+ // the caller expect this to happen before if
+ // it is async
+ cb(er);
+ stream._writableState.errorEmitted = true;
+ stream.emit('error', er);
+ // this can emit finish, but finish must
+ // always follow error
+ finishMaybe(stream, state);
+ }
+function onwriteStateUpdate(state) {
+ state.writing = false;
+ state.writecb = null;
+ state.length -= state.writelen;
+ state.writelen = 0;
+function onwrite(stream, er) {
+ var state = stream._writableState;
+ var sync = state.sync;
+ var cb = state.writecb;
+ onwriteStateUpdate(state);
+ if (er) onwriteError(stream, state, sync, er, cb);else {
+ // Check if we're actually ready to finish, but don't emit yet
+ var finished = needFinish(state);
+ if (!finished && !state.corked && !state.bufferProcessing && state.bufferedRequest) {
+ clearBuffer(stream, state);
+ }
+ if (sync) {
+ /*<replacement>*/
+ asyncWrite(afterWrite, stream, state, finished, cb);
+ /*</replacement>*/
+ } else {
+ afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb);
+ }
+ }
+function afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb) {
+ if (!finished) onwriteDrain(stream, state);
+ state.pendingcb--;
+ cb();
+ finishMaybe(stream, state);
+// Must force callback to be called on nextTick, so that we don't
+// emit 'drain' before the write() consumer gets the 'false' return
+// value, and has a chance to attach a 'drain' listener.
+function onwriteDrain(stream, state) {
+ if (state.length === 0 && state.needDrain) {
+ state.needDrain = false;
+ stream.emit('drain');
+ }
+// if there's something in the buffer waiting, then process it
+function clearBuffer(stream, state) {
+ state.bufferProcessing = true;
+ var entry = state.bufferedRequest;
+ if (stream._writev && entry && entry.next) {
+ // Fast case, write everything using _writev()
+ var l = state.bufferedRequestCount;
+ var buffer = new Array(l);
+ var holder = state.corkedRequestsFree;
+ holder.entry = entry;
+ var count = 0;
+ var allBuffers = true;
+ while (entry) {
+ buffer[count] = entry;
+ if (!entry.isBuf) allBuffers = false;
+ entry = entry.next;
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ buffer.allBuffers = allBuffers;
+ doWrite(stream, state, true, state.length, buffer, '', holder.finish);
+ // doWrite is almost always async, defer these to save a bit of time
+ // as the hot path ends with doWrite
+ state.pendingcb++;
+ state.lastBufferedRequest = null;
+ if (holder.next) {
+ state.corkedRequestsFree = holder.next;
+ holder.next = null;
+ } else {
+ state.corkedRequestsFree = new CorkedRequest(state);
+ }
+ state.bufferedRequestCount = 0;
+ } else {
+ // Slow case, write chunks one-by-one
+ while (entry) {
+ var chunk = entry.chunk;
+ var encoding = entry.encoding;
+ var cb = entry.callback;
+ var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length;
+ doWrite(stream, state, false, len, chunk, encoding, cb);
+ entry = entry.next;
+ state.bufferedRequestCount--;
+ // if we didn't call the onwrite immediately, then
+ // it means that we need to wait until it does.
+ // also, that means that the chunk and cb are currently
+ // being processed, so move the buffer counter past them.
+ if (state.writing) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (entry === null) state.lastBufferedRequest = null;
+ }
+ state.bufferedRequest = entry;
+ state.bufferProcessing = false;
+Writable.prototype._write = function (chunk, encoding, cb) {
+ cb(new Error('_write() is not implemented'));
+Writable.prototype._writev = null;
+Writable.prototype.end = function (chunk, encoding, cb) {
+ var state = this._writableState;
+ if (typeof chunk === 'function') {
+ cb = chunk;
+ chunk = null;
+ encoding = null;
+ } else if (typeof encoding === 'function') {
+ cb = encoding;
+ encoding = null;
+ }
+ if (chunk !== null && chunk !== undefined) this.write(chunk, encoding);
+ // .end() fully uncorks
+ if (state.corked) {
+ state.corked = 1;
+ this.uncork();
+ }
+ // ignore unnecessary end() calls.
+ if (!state.ending && !state.finished) endWritable(this, state, cb);
+function needFinish(state) {
+ return state.ending && state.length === 0 && state.bufferedRequest === null && !state.finished && !state.writing;
+function callFinal(stream, state) {
+ stream._final(function (err) {
+ state.pendingcb--;
+ if (err) {
+ stream.emit('error', err);
+ }
+ state.prefinished = true;
+ stream.emit('prefinish');
+ finishMaybe(stream, state);
+ });
+function prefinish(stream, state) {
+ if (!state.prefinished && !state.finalCalled) {
+ if (typeof stream._final === 'function') {
+ state.pendingcb++;
+ state.finalCalled = true;
+ pna.nextTick(callFinal, stream, state);
+ } else {
+ state.prefinished = true;
+ stream.emit('prefinish');
+ }
+ }
+function finishMaybe(stream, state) {
+ var need = needFinish(state);
+ if (need) {
+ prefinish(stream, state);
+ if (state.pendingcb === 0) {
+ state.finished = true;
+ stream.emit('finish');
+ }
+ }
+ return need;
+function endWritable(stream, state, cb) {
+ state.ending = true;
+ finishMaybe(stream, state);
+ if (cb) {
+ if (state.finished) pna.nextTick(cb);else stream.once('finish', cb);
+ }
+ state.ended = true;
+ stream.writable = false;
+function onCorkedFinish(corkReq, state, err) {
+ var entry = corkReq.entry;
+ corkReq.entry = null;
+ while (entry) {
+ var cb = entry.callback;
+ state.pendingcb--;
+ cb(err);
+ entry = entry.next;
+ }
+ if (state.corkedRequestsFree) {
+ state.corkedRequestsFree.next = corkReq;
+ } else {
+ state.corkedRequestsFree = corkReq;
+ }
+Object.defineProperty(Writable.prototype, 'destroyed', {
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._writableState === undefined) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return this._writableState.destroyed;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ // we ignore the value if the stream
+ // has not been initialized yet
+ if (!this._writableState) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // backward compatibility, the user is explicitly
+ // managing destroyed
+ this._writableState.destroyed = value;
+ }
+Writable.prototype.destroy = destroyImpl.destroy;
+Writable.prototype._undestroy = destroyImpl.undestroy;
+Writable.prototype._destroy = function (err, cb) {
+ this.end();
+ cb(err);