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上傳檔案到 'html_socket_m5'

fatwolf 3 years ago


+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+server.js 為接收M5相機的傳送的影像與設定相關資料,如要新增相機,請參考程式內容。

+ 134 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+const path = require('path');
+const express = require('express');
+const WebSocket = require('ws');
+const app = express();
+const path1 = require('path');
+const express1 = require('express');
+const WebSocket1 = require('ws');
+const path2 = require('path');
+const express2 = require('express');
+const WebSocket2 = require('ws');
+const path3 = require('path');
+const express3 = require('express');
+const WebSocket3 = require('ws');
+const path4 = require('path');
+const express4 = require('express');
+const WebSocket4 = require('ws');
+const path5 = require('path');
+const express5 = require('express');
+const WebSocket5 = require('ws');
+const WS_PORT  = 8088;
+const HTTP_PORT = 8000;
+const WS_PORT1 = 8089;
+const WS_PORT2 = 8090;
+const WS_PORT3 = 8091;
+const WS_PORT4 = 8092;
+const WS_PORT5 = 8093;
+const wsServer = new WebSocket.Server({port: WS_PORT}, ()=> console.log(`WS Server is listening at ${WS_PORT}`));
+let connectedClients = [];
+wsServer.on('connection', (ws, req)=>{
+    console.log('Connected');
+    connectedClients.push(ws);
+    ws.on('message', data => {
+        connectedClients.forEach((ws,i)=>{
+            if(ws.readyState === ws.OPEN){
+                ws.send(data);
+            }else{
+                connectedClients.splice(i ,1);
+            }
+        })
+    });
+const wsServer1 = new WebSocket.Server({port: WS_PORT1}, ()=> console.log(`WS Server is listening at ${WS_PORT1}`));
+let connectedClients1 = [];
+wsServer1.on('connection', (ws1, req)=>{
+    console.log('Connected');
+    connectedClients1.push(ws1);
+    ws1.on('message', data1 => {
+        connectedClients1.forEach((ws1,i)=>{
+            if(ws1.readyState === ws1.OPEN){
+                ws1.send(data1);
+            }else{
+                connectedClients1.splice(i ,1);
+            }
+        })
+    });
+const wsServer2 = new WebSocket.Server({port: WS_PORT2}, ()=> console.log(`WS Server is listening at ${WS_PORT2}`));
+let connectedClients2 = [];
+wsServer2.on('connection', (ws2, req)=>{
+    console.log('Connected');
+    connectedClients2.push(ws2);
+    ws2.on('message', data2 => {
+        connectedClients2.forEach((ws2,i)=>{
+            if(ws2.readyState === ws2.OPEN){
+                ws2.send(data2);
+            }else{
+                connectedClients2.splice(i ,1);
+            }
+        })
+    });
+const wsServer3 = new WebSocket.Server({port: WS_PORT3}, ()=> console.log(`WS Server is listening at ${WS_PORT3}`));
+let connectedClients3 = [];
+wsServer3.on('connection', (ws3, req)=>{
+    console.log('Connected');
+    connectedClients3.push(ws3);
+    ws3.on('message', data3 => {
+        connectedClients3.forEach((ws3,i)=>{
+            if(ws3.readyState === ws3.OPEN){
+                ws3.send(data3);
+            }else{
+                connectedClients3.splice(i ,1);
+            }
+        })
+    });
+const wsServer4 = new WebSocket.Server({port: WS_PORT4}, ()=> console.log(`WS Server is listening at ${WS_PORT4}`));
+let connectedClients4 = [];
+wsServer4.on('connection', (ws4, req)=>{
+    console.log('Connected');
+    connectedClients4.push(ws4);
+    ws4.on('message', data4 => {
+        connectedClients4.forEach((ws4,i)=>{
+            if(ws4.readyState === ws4.OPEN){
+                ws4.send(data4);
+            }else{
+                connectedClients4.splice(i ,1);
+            }
+        })
+    });
+const wsServer5 = new WebSocket.Server({port: WS_PORT5}, ()=> console.log(`WS Server is listening at ${WS_PORT5}`));
+let connectedClients5 = [];
+wsServer5.on('connection', (ws5, req)=>{
+    console.log('Connected');
+    connectedClients5.push(ws5);
+    ws5.on('message', data5 => {
+        connectedClients5.forEach((ws5,i)=>{
+            if(ws5.readyState === ws5.OPEN){
+                ws5.send(data5);
+            }else{
+                connectedClients5.splice(i ,1);
+            }
+        })
+    });
+app.get('/client',(req,res)=>res.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname, '/home/gs1801/CoffeeProject/app/templates/video.html')));
+app.listen(HTTP_PORT, ()=> console.log(`HTTP server listening at ${HTTP_PORT}`));

+ 362 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
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+    <script>
+            const img = document.querySelector('#one');
+            const WS_URL = 'ws:///';
+            const ws = new WebSocket(WS_URL);
+            let urlObject;
+            ws.onopen = () => console.log(`Connected to ${WS_URL}`);
+            ws.onmessage = message => {
+                const arrayBuffer =;
+                if(urlObject){
+                    URL.revokeObjectURL(urlObject);
+                }
+                urlObject = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([arrayBuffer]));
+                img.src = urlObject;
+            }
+            const img1 = document.querySelector('#two');
+            const WS_URL1 = 'ws:///';
+            const ws1 = new WebSocket(WS_URL1);
+            let urlObject1;
+            ws1.onopen = () => console.log(`Connected to ${WS_URL1}`);
+            ws1.onmessage = message1 => {
+                const arrayBuffer1 =;
+                if(urlObject1){
+                    URL.revokeObjectURL(urlObject1);
+                }
+                urlObject1 = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([arrayBuffer1]));
+                img1.src = urlObject1;
+            }
+            const img2 = document.querySelector('#three');
+            const WS_URL2 = 'ws:///';
+            const ws2 = new WebSocket(WS_URL2);
+            let urlObject2;
+            ws2.onopen = () => console.log(`Connected to ${WS_URL2}`);
+            ws2.onmessage = message2 => {
+                const arrayBuffer2 =;
+                if(urlObject2){
+                    URL.revokeObjectURL(urlObject2);
+                }
+                urlObject2 = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([arrayBuffer2]));
+                img2.src = urlObject2;
+            }
+            const img3 = document.querySelector('#four');
+            const WS_URL3 = 'ws:///';
+            const ws3 = new WebSocket(WS_URL3);
+            let urlObject3;
+            ws3.onopen = () => console.log(`Connected to ${WS_URL3}`);
+            ws3.onmessage = message3 => {
+                const arrayBuffer3 =;
+                if(urlObject3){
+                    URL.revokeObjectURL(urlObject3);
+                }
+                urlObject3 = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([arrayBuffer3]));
+                img3.src = urlObject3;
+            }
+            const img4 = document.querySelector('#five');
+            const WS_URL4 = 'ws:///';
+            const ws4 = new WebSocket(WS_URL4);
+            let urlObject4;
+            ws4.onopen = () => console.log(`Connected to ${WS_URL4}`);
+            ws4.onmessage = message4 => {
+                const arrayBuffer4 =;
+                if(urlObject4){
+                    URL.revokeObjectURL(urlObject4);
+                }
+                urlObject4 = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([arrayBuffer4]));
+                img4.src = urlObject4;
+            }
+            const img5 = document.querySelector('#six');
+            const WS_URL5 = 'ws:///';
+            const ws5 = new WebSocket(WS_URL5);
+            let urlObject5;
+            ws5.onopen = () => console.log(`Connected to ${WS_URL5}`);
+            ws5.onmessage = message5 => {
+                const arrayBuffer5 =;
+                if(urlObject5){
+                    URL.revokeObjectURL(urlObject5);
+                }
+                urlObject5 = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([arrayBuffer5]));
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+            }            
+    </script>