#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-   #-*- coding: cp950 -*-  import array,time,threading,serial,urllib2,urllib,os,os.path,requests #How to install?? ----> pip install requests import traceback path_gps='http://www.aisky.com.tw/field/gps.php' ser=serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0',9600,timeout=0.1) rx_dev_nr = "1" case_command = "0" def catch_RTK_GPS(): global rx_dev_nr global case_command if ser.inWaiting() : #if True : try : x = ser.readline() #x = "$GPGGA,140025.00,2503.2423699,N,12136.4594332,E,1,04,1.0,17.259,M,19.013,M,0.0,*7B" #print x if x[0:6] == "$GPGGA" and len(x) < 90 : log = x x = x.split(",") if x[7] == '0': print "no satellite data available" if x[2] != "0" and x[4] != "0": time_data = x[1][0:2] + ":" + x[1][2:4] + ":" + x[1][4:6] lat = x[2] lng = x[4] print "Time : " + time_data + "/ Lat : " + lat + "/ Lng : " + lng mydata=[("dev_nr",rx_dev_nr),("lat",lat),("lng",lng),("log",log)] #mydata=[("dev_nr",rx_dev_nr),("lat","2503.5376838"),("lng","12136.8545442")] print mydata print 'GateWay Catch Nr '+str(rx_dev_nr)+' ok' mydata=urllib.urlencode(mydata) req=urllib2.Request(path_gps, mydata) req.add_header('User-Agent','Magic Browser') page=urllib2.urlopen(req).read() print time.strftime(' nr '+str(rx_dev_nr)+' command:'+str(case_command)+' %m/%d/%Y'+' %H:%M:%S'+' add ok ') x = "" y = "" print '######################################################################################## \n' except Exception, e: try : print 'traceback.print_exc():'; traceback.print_exc() mydata=[("dev_nr",rx_dev_nr),("data_error",traceback.format_exc())] mydata=urllib.urlencode(mydata) req=urllib2.Request(path_gps, mydata) req.add_header('User-Agent','Magic Browser') page=urllib2.urlopen(req).read() except : print ("無法上傳") print ("有問題,請確認") time.sleep(15) print ("開始偵測GPS訊號GO") while True : catch_RTK_GPS() time.sleep(1)