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        // 指定 10秒 刷新網頁一次
        var ctn = '{{tid}}';
        var status = '{{status}}';
        console.log('ctn:' + ctn)

            $("#coffee_title_pc").text('C' + ctn + ' 清洗浮選槽操作介面');
            $("#coffee_title_phone").text('C' + ctn + ' 清洗浮選槽操作介面');

            if (status == 2) {
                $('input').prop('disabled', true);
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            } else if ( (status == 0) || (status == 1) ) {
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        .input-text {
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            border: 2px rgb(182, 181, 181) solid;
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            padding: 1px 3px;
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            border:2px #cccccc solid; 
            margin-left: 10px; 
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            width: 98%;
        // 清洗浮選 制動器開關
        var tank_num = '{{tid}}';

        // 入料 真空吸料機
        function inputVacuum() {
            var status = "off";
            var check = $("input[name=input_vacuum_status]:checked");  // 這裡面是 jQuery 撈取資料的方法, jQuery 常使用到 $ 錢字號
            console.log('check:', check);
            //大於0代表有被選中, 如果有多個可以呈現勾取的項目數量
            if (check.length > 0) {
                status = "on";
                $("#cmn-toggle-02").prop('checked', false); // 確認是否勾選
                if (!confirm("你確定要開啟入料儲豆槽真空吸料機嗎?")) {
                    return false;
            } else {
                $("#cmn-toggle-02").prop('checked', true);
                if (!confirm("你確定要關閉入料儲豆槽真空吸料機嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "input_vacuum_status", "value": status };
            // jquery 請求 '/mqtt/{{tid}}' 頁面
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {      //res:HTTP response argument to the middleware function
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-02").prop('checked', true);
                    setTimeout("alert('入料儲豆槽真空吸料機_開啟成功!')", 500);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-02").prop('checked', false);
                    setTimeout("alert('入料儲豆槽真空吸料機_關閉成功!')", 500);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function inputVacuum_ON() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "input_vacuum_status", "value": "on" };
            // jquery 請求 '/mqtt/{{tid}}' 頁面
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {      //res:HTTP response argument to the middleware function
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-02").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-02").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function inputVacuum_OFF() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "input_vacuum_status", "value": "off" };
            // jquery 請求 '/mqtt/{{tid}}' 頁面
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {      //res:HTTP response argument to the middleware function
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-02").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-02").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        // 桶內 真空吸料機
        function tankVacuum() {
            var status = "off";
            var check = $("input[name=tank_vacuum_status]:checked");
            console.log('check:', check);
            if (check.length > 0) {
                status = "on";
                $("#cmn-toggle-05").prop('checked', false);
                if (!confirm("你確定要開啟真空吸料機嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            } else {
                $("#cmn-toggle-05").prop('checked', true);
                if (!confirm("你確定要關閉真空吸料機嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_vacuum_status", "value": status };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-05").prop('checked', true);
                    setTimeout("alert('真空吸料機_開啟成功!')", 500);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-05").prop('checked', false);
                    setTimeout("alert('真空吸料機_關閉成功!')", 500);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankVacuum_ON() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_vacuum_status", "value": "on" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-05").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-05").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankVacuum_OFF() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_vacuum_status", "value": "off" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-05").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-05").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        // 浮選槽注水 雙核隔膜泵 出水口 2、3_雙核泵
        function tankPumpWaterL2L3() {
            var status = "off";
            var check = $("input[name=tank_pump_waterL2L3_status]:checked");
            if (check.length > 0) {
                status = "on";
                $("#cmn-toggle-08").prop('checked', false);
                if (!confirm("你確定要開啟浮選槽注水嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            } else {
                $("#cmn-toggle-08").prop('checked', true);
                if (!confirm("你確定要關閉浮選槽注水嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_pump_waterL2L3_status", "value": status };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-08").prop('checked', true);
                    setTimeout("alert('浮選槽注水入料_開啟成功!')", 500);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-08").prop('checked', false);
                    setTimeout("alert('浮選槽注水排氣_關閉成功!')", 500);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankPumpWaterL2L3_ON() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_pump_waterL2L3_status", "value": "on" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-08").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-08").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankPumpWaterL2L3_OFF() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_pump_waterL2L3_status", "value": "off" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-08").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-08").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        // 第 2 層灑水 雙核隔膜泵 出水口 4、5_雙核泵
        function tankPumpWaterL4L5() {
            var status = "off";
            var check = $("input[name=tank_pump_waterL4L5_status]:checked");
            if (check.length > 0) {
                status = "on";
                $("#cmn-toggle-11").prop('checked', false);
                if (!confirm("你確定要開啟清洗第 2 層灑水嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            } else {
                $("#cmn-toggle-11").prop('checked', true);
                if (!confirm("你確定要關閉清洗第 2 層灑水嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_pump_waterL4L5_status", "value": status };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-11").prop('checked', true);
                    setTimeout("alert('清洗第 2 層灑水_開啟成功!')", 500);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-11").prop('checked', false);
                    setTimeout("alert('清洗第 2 層灑水_關閉成功!')", 500);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankPumpWaterL4L5_ON() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_pump_waterL4L5_status", "value": "on" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-11").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-11").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankPumpWaterL4L5_OFF() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_pump_waterL4L5_status", "value": "off" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-11").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-11").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        // 第 4 層灑水 雙核隔膜泵 入水口_雙核泵
        function tankPumpWaterInput() {
            var status = "off";
            var check = $("input[name=tank_pump_waterInput_status]:checked");
            if (check.length > 0) {
                status = "on";
                $("#cmn-toggle-14").prop('checked', false);
                if (!confirm("你確定要開啟清洗第 4 層灑水嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            } else {
                $("#cmn-toggle-14").prop('checked', true);
                if (!confirm("你確定要關閉清洗第 4 層灑水嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_pump_waterInput_status", "value": status };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-14").prop('checked', true);
                    setTimeout("alert('清洗第 4 層灑水_開啟成功!')", 500);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-14").prop('checked', false);
                    setTimeout("alert('清洗第 4 層灑水_關閉成功!')", 500);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankPumpWaterInput_ON() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_pump_waterInput_status", "value": "on" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-14").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-14").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankPumpWaterInput_OFF() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_pump_waterInput_status", "value": "off" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-14").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-14").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        // 清洗第 3 層 電磁閥 出水口 2、3_電磁閥
        function tankSolenoidWaterL2L3() {
            var status = "off";
            var check = $("input[name=tank_solenoid_waterL2L3_status]:checked");
            if (check.length > 0) {
                status = "on";
                $("#cmn-toggle-17").prop('checked', false);
                if (!confirm("你確定要開啟清洗第 3 層電磁閥嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            } else {
                $("#cmn-toggle-17").prop('checked', true);
                if (!confirm("你確定要關閉清洗第 3 層電磁閥嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_solenoid_waterL2L3_status", "value": status };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-17").prop('checked', true);
                    setTimeout("alert('清洗第 3 層電磁閥_開啟成功!')", 500);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-17").prop('checked', false);
                    setTimeout("alert('清洗第 3 層電磁閥_關閉成功!')", 500);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankSolenoidWaterL2L3_ON() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_solenoid_waterL2L3_status", "value": "on" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-17").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-17").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankSolenoidWaterL2L3_OFF() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_solenoid_waterL2L3_status", "value": "off" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-17").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-17").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        // 清洗第 5 層 電磁閥 出水口 4、5_電磁閥
        function tankSolenoidWaterL4L5() {
            var status = "off";
            var check = $("input[name=tank_solenoid_waterL4L5_status]:checked");
            if (check.length > 0) {
                status = "on";
                $("#cmn-toggle-20").prop('checked', false);
                if (!confirm("你確定要開啟清洗第 5 層電磁閥嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            } else {
                $("#cmn-toggle-20").prop('checked', true);
                if (!confirm("你確定要關閉清洗第 5 層電磁閥嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_solenoid_waterL4L5_status", "value": status };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-20").prop('checked', true);
                    setTimeout("alert('清洗第 5 層電磁閥_開啟成功!')", 500);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-20").prop('checked', false);
                    setTimeout("alert('清洗第 5 層電磁閥_關閉成功!')", 500);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankSolenoidWaterL4L5_ON() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_solenoid_waterL4L5_status", "value": "on" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-20").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-20").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankSolenoidWaterL4L5_OFF() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "tank_solenoid_waterL4L5_status", "value": "off" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-20").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-20").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        // 步進馬達
        function tankSteppingMotor() {
            var motor_data = $("input[name=steppingmotor_rpm_data]").val();
            if (motor_data == '') {
                return false;

            } else if (motor_data == 0) {
                alert("轉速 0 為關閉步進馬達");

            } else if (Number(motor_data) < -50 || Number(motor_data) > 50 || !Number(motor_data)) {
                alert("您輸入的值已超過範圍,請重新輸入!" + !Number(motor_data));
                return false;

            if (motor_data != 0) {
                value = motor_data;
                if (!confirm("你確定要開啟步進馬達,運轉速度為 " + motor_data + " 嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            } else {
                if (!confirm("你確定要關閉步進馬達嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "step_motor_status", "value": motor_data };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
                if (res == 'on') {
                    setTimeout("alert('步進馬達_開啟成功!')", 500);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    setTimeout("alert('步進馬達_關閉成功!')", 500);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankSteppingMotor_STOP() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "step_motor_status", "value": "off" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankSteppingMotor_UP() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "step_motor_status", "value": "on", "dir":"up"};
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
            }, 'text')

        // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankSteppingMotor_DOWN() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "step_motor_status", "value": "on", "dir":"down" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data)
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function tankSteppingMotor_UPSTOP() {
            var data_up = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "step_motor_status", "value": "on", "dir":"up"};
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data_up, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data_up)
            }, 'text')

            var time = new Date();
            while ((new Date() - time) < 1 * 1000) { };

            var data_stop = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "step_motor_status", "value": "off" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data_stop, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data_stop)
            }, 'text')

        function tankSteppingMotor_DOWNSTOP() {
            var data_down = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "step_motor_status", "value": "on", "dir":"down"};
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data_down, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data_down)
            }, 'text')

            var time = new Date();
            while ((new Date() - time) < 1 * 1000) { };

            var data_stop = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "step_motor_status", "value": "off" };
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data_stop, function (res) {
                console.log('data:', data_stop)
            }, 'text')

        // 出料 真空吸料機
        function outputVacuum() {
            var status = "off";
            var check = $("input[name=output_vacuum_status]:checked");
            if (check.length > 0) {
                status = "on";
                $("#cmn-toggle-26").prop('checked', false);
                if (!confirm("你確定要開啟出料儲豆槽真空吸料機嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            } else {
                $("#cmn-toggle-26").prop('checked', true);
                if (!confirm("你確定要關閉出料儲豆槽真空吸料機嗎?")) {
                    return false;

            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "output_vacuum_status", "value": status };
            console.log('data:', data)
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-26").prop('checked', true);
                    setTimeout("alert('出料儲豆槽真空吸料機_開啟成功!')", 500);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-26").prop('checked', false);
                    setTimeout("alert('出料儲豆槽真空吸料機_關閉成功!')", 500);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function outputVacuum_ON() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "output_vacuum_status", "value": "on" };
            console.log('data:', data)
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-26").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-26").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);

        function outputVacuum_OFF() {
            var data = { "tank_num": "C" + tank_num, "command": "output_vacuum_status", "value": "off" };
            console.log('data:', data)
            $.post('/mqtt/{{tid}}', data, function (res) {
                if (res == 'on') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-26").prop('checked', true);
                } else if (res == 'off') {
                    $("#cmn-toggle-26").prop('checked', false);
                } else {
            }, 'text')

            // setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 500);


    <div id="wrapper">
        <div id="coffee_header">
            <!-- 匯入共同使用的 header.html 內容 -->
            {% include 'header.html' %}
        <table border="1" class="table-all" cellpadding="3" style="text-align: center;">
                <td style="color:red;">Valve</td>
                <td>出水口 2、3_<br>雙核隔膜泵</td>
                <td>出水口 4、5_<br>雙核隔膜泵</td>
                <td>清洗第 3 層<br>電磁閥</td>
                <td>清洗第 5 層<br>電磁閥</td>
                    <span id="tank_stepping_motor_t_status">{{tank_stepping_motor}}</span>
                    <span style="color:#C0C0C0;">off</span>
                    <span style="color:#008CBA;">on</span>
                    <div class="switch_div">
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-01" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-01"></label>
                        <div class="switch text-center">
                            {% if input_vacuum=='ON' %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-02" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox" checked
                                name="tank_vacuum_status" value="ON" onclick="inputVacuum()">
                            {% else %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-02" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox"
                                name="tank_vacuum_status" value="OFF" onclick="inputVacuum()">
                            {% endif %}
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-02" class="label_ActuatorStatus"></label>
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-03" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-03" data-on="Yes" data-off="No"></label>
                    <div class="switch_div">
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-04" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-04"></label>
                        <div class="switch text-center">
                            {% if tank_vacuum=='ON' %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-05" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox" checked
                                name="tank_vacuum_status" value="ON" onclick="tankVacuum()">
                            {% else %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-05" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox"
                                name="tank_vacuum_status" value="OFF" onclick="tankVacuum()">
                            {% endif %}
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-05" class="label_ActuatorStatus"></label>
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-06" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-06" data-on="Yes" data-off="No"></label>
                    <div class="switch_div">
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-07" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-07"></label>
                        <div class="switch text-center">
                            {% if tank_pump_waterL2L3=='ON' %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-08" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox" checked
                                name="tank_pump_waterL2L3_status" value="ON" onclick="tankPumpWaterL2L3()">
                            {% else %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-08" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox"
                                name="tank_pump_waterL2L3_status" value="OFF" onclick="tankPumpWaterL2L3()">
                            {% endif %}
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-08" class="label_ActuatorStatus"></label>
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-09" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-09" data-on="Yes" data-off="No"></label>
                    <div class="switch_div">
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-10" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-10"></label>
                        <div class="switch text-center">
                            {% if tank_pump_waterL4L5=='ON' %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-11" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox" checked
                                name="tank_pump_waterL4L5_status" value="ON" onclick="tankPumpWaterL4L5()">
                            {% else %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-11" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox"
                                name="tank_pump_waterL4L5_status" value="OFF" onclick="tankPumpWaterL4L5()">
                            {% endif %}
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-11" class="label_ActuatorStatus"></label>
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-12" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-on-off" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-12" data-on="Yes" data-off="No"></label>
                    <div class="switch_div">
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-13" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-13"></label>
                        <div class="switch text-center">
                            {% if tank_pump_waterInput=='ON' %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-14" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox" checked
                                name="tank_pump_waterInput_status" value="ON" onclick="tankPumpWaterInput()">
                            {% else %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-14" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox"
                                name="tank_pump_waterInput_status" value="OFF" onclick="tankPumpWaterInput()">
                            {% endif %}

                            <label for="cmn-toggle-14" class="label_ActuatorStatus"></label>
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-15" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-15" data-on="Yes" data-off="No"></label>
                    <div class="switch_div">
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-16" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-16"></label>
                        <div class="switch text-center">
                            {% if tank_solenoid_waterL2L3=='ON' %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-17" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" checked type="checkbox"
                                name="tank_solenoid_waterL2L3_status" value="ON" onclick="tankSolenoidWaterL2L3()">
                            {% else %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-17" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox"
                                name="tank_solenoid_waterL2L3_status" value="OFF" onclick="tankSolenoidWaterL2L3()">
                            {% endif %}
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-17" class="label_ActuatorStatus"></label>
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-18" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-18" data-on="Yes" data-off="No"></label>
                    <div class="switch_div">
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-19" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-19"></label>
                        <div class="switch text-center">
                            {% if tank_solenoid_waterL4L5=='ON' %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-20" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox" checked
                                name="tank_solenoid_waterL4L5_status" value="ON" onclick="tankSolenoidWaterL4L5()">
                            {% else %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-20" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox"
                                name="tank_solenoid_waterL4L5_status" value="OFF" onclick="tankSolenoidWaterL4L5()">
                            {% endif %}
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-20" class="label_ActuatorStatus"></label>
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-21" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-21" data-on="Yes" data-off="No"></label>
                    <input type="button" value="UP" name="tank_stepping_motor_UP" onclick="tankSteppingMotor_UP()">
                    <input type="button" value="STOP" name="tank_stepping_motor_STOP" onclick="tankSteppingMotor_STOP()">
                    <input type="button" value="DOWN" name="tank_stepping_motor_DOWN" onclick="tankSteppingMotor_DOWN()">
                    <div class="switch_div">
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-25" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-25"></label>
                        <div class="switch text-center">
                            {% if output_vacuum=='ON' %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-26" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox" checked
                                name="output_vacuum_status" value="ON" onclick="outputVacuum()">
                            {% else %}
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-26" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-round-flat" type="checkbox"
                                name="output_vacuum_status" value="OFF" onclick="outputVacuum()">
                            {% endif %}
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-26" class="label_ActuatorStatus"></label>
                        <div class="switch">
                            <input id="cmn-toggle-27" class="cmn-toggle cmn-toggle-yes-no" type="checkbox">
                            <label for="cmn-toggle-27" data-on="Yes" data-off="No"></label>
                <td><span style="color:#008CBA;"><b>ON</b></span></td>
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-on" value="ON" name="input_vacuum_ON" onclick="inputVacuum_ON()"></td>
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-on" value="ON" name="tank_vacuum_ON" onclick="tankVacuum_ON()"></td>
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-on" value="ON" name="tank_pump_water_float_ON" onclick="tankPumpWaterL2L3_ON()"></td>
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-on" value="ON" name="tank_pump_waterL4L5_ON" onclick="tankPumpWaterL4L5_ON()">
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-on" value="ON" name="tank_pump_waterInput_ON" onclick="tankPumpWaterInput_ON()">
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-on" value="ON" name="tank_solenoid_waterL2L3_ON" onclick="tankSolenoidWaterL2L3_ON()">
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-on" value="ON" name="tank_solenoid_waterL4L5_ON" onclick="tankSolenoidWaterL4L5_ON()">
                <td><input type="button" value="UP" name="tank_stepping_motor_UP" onclick="tankSteppingMotor_UPSTOP()">
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-on" value="ON" name="output_vacuum_ON" onclick="outputVacuum_ON()"></td>
                <td><span style="color:#C0C0C0;"><b>OFF</b></span></td>
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-off" value="OFF" name="input_vacuum_OFF" onclick="inputVacuum_OFF()"></td>
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-off" value="OFF" name="tank_vacuum_OFF" onclick="tankVacuum_OFF()"></td>
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-off" value="OFF" name="tank_pump_water_float_OFF" onclick="tankPumpWaterL2L3_OFF()">
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-off" value="OFF" name="tank_pump_waterL4L5_OFF" onclick="tankPumpWaterL4L5_OFF()">
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-off" value="OFF" name="tank_pump_waterInput_OFF" onclick="tankPumpWaterInput_OFF()">
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-off" value="OFF" name="tank_solenoid_waterL2L3_OFF" onclick="tankSolenoidWaterL2L3_OFF()">
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-off" value="OFF" name="tank_solenoid_waterL4L5_OFF" onclick="tankSolenoidWaterL4L5_OFF()">
                <td><input type="button" value="DOWN" name="tank_stepping_motor_STOP" onclick="tankSteppingMotor_DOWNSTOP()">
                <td><input type="button" class="input-button-off" value="OFF" name="output_vacuum_OFF" onclick="outputVacuum_OFF()"></td>


        <table border="1" class="table-all" cellpadding="5">
                <td>[桶內] 生豆高度:<span id="UltraSonic_t_status">{{tank_UltraSonic.UltraSonic}}</span></td>


        <table border="1" class="table-all" cellpadding="5">
                <td>出水口 4、5 <br>電磁閥逆洗</td>
                <td>出水口 2、3 <br>電磁閥逆洗</td>
                    入水口_雙核泵 ON
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_1" value="30" style="width:50px;">
                    出水口 4、5_雙核泵 ON
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_2" value="30" style="width:50px;">
                    出水口 2、3_雙核泵 ON
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_3" value="0" style="width:50px;">
                    真空吸料機 ON
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_8" value="1" style="width:50px;">
                    真空吸料機 OFF
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_9" value="10" style="width:50px;">
                    * 循環次數
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_loop_3" value="3" style="width:50px;">
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_4" value="3.5" style="width:50px;">
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_5" value="3" style="width:50px;">
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_6" value="3.5" style="width:50px;">
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_7" value="3" style="width:50px;">
                    * 循環次數
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_loop_2" value="3" style="width:50px;">
                    出料_吸料機 ON
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_16" value="1" style="width:50px;">
                    出料_吸料機 OFF
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_17" value="10" style="width:50px;">
                    * 循環次數
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_loop_4" value="3" style="width:50px;">
                    出 4、5_電磁閥
                    出 4、5_雙核泵
                    出 2、3_電磁閥
                    <font color = "red">生豆閘門零點</font> 
                    入水口_雙核泵 ON
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_10" value="30" style="width:50px;">
                    出水口 4、5_雙核泵 ON
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_11" value="30" style="width:50px;">
                    出水口 2、3_雙核泵 ON
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_12" value="60" style="width:50px;">
                    真空吸料機 ON
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_13" value="1" style="width:50px;">
                    真空吸料機 OFF
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_14" value="10" style="width:50px;">
                    * 循環次數
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_loop_6" value="3" style="width:50px;">
                    生豆閘門 升
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_15" value="10" style="width:50px;">
                    生豆閘門 降
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_20" value="120" style="width:50px;">
                    出料_吸料機 ON
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_18" value="1" style="width:50px;">
                    出料_吸料機 OFF
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_time_19" value="10" style="width:50px;">
                    * 循環次數
                    <input type="text" class="input-text" name="waiting_loop_5" value="3" style="width:50px;">
                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="tank_WaterIn_testing()">水路測試</button>&nbsp;
                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="tank_WaterIn_testing_OFF()">水路測試 OFF</button>
                        function tank_WaterIn_testing() {

                            // 清洗第 4 層灑水 ON
                            console.log('tank_pump_waterInput_status ON')

                            // 等待時間(秒)
                            var time1 = $("input[name=waiting_time_1]").val();
                            console.log('等待 ' + time1 + ' 秒')
                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < time1 * 1000) { };

                            // 清洗第 2 層灑水 ON
                            console.log('tank_pump_waterL4L5_status ON')

                            // 等待時間(秒)
                            var time2 = $("input[name=waiting_time_2]").val();
                            console.log('等待 ' + time2 + ' 秒')
                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < time2 * 1000) { };

                            // 浮選槽注水 ON
                            console.log('tank_pump_waterL2L3_status ON')

                            // 等待時間(秒)
                            var time3 = $("input[name=waiting_time_3]").val();
                            console.log('等待 ' + time3 + ' 秒')
                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < time3 * 1000) { };

                        function tank_WaterIn_testing_OFF(){

                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < 2 * 1000) { };


                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < 2 * 1000) { };

                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="tank_BeanInputAir_testing()">排氣下豆測試</button>
                        function tank_BeanInputAir_testing() {
                            // 循環次數
                            var loop3 = $("input[name=waiting_loop_3]").val();
                            console.log('--- 循環 ' + loop3 + ' 次 ---')

                            for (step = 1; step <= loop3; step++) {
                                // 真空吸料機 ON

                                // 吸料時間 
                                var time8 = $("input[name=waiting_time_8]").val();
                                console.log('等待 ' + time8 + ' 秒')
                                var time = new Date();
                                while ((new Date() - time) < time8 * 1000) { };

                                // 真空吸料機 OFF

                                // 吸料時間
                                var time9 = $("input[name=waiting_time_9]").val();
                                console.log('等待 ' + time9 + ' 秒')
                                var time = new Date();
                                while ((new Date() - time) < time9 * 1000) { };
                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="tank_BeanBaffle_testing()">生豆閘門測試</button>
                        function tank_BeanBaffle_testing() {
                            // 循環次數
                            var loop2 = $("input[name=waiting_loop_2]").val();
                            console.log('--- 循環 ' + loop2 + ' 次 ---')

                            for (step = 1; step <= loop2; step++) {
                                // 生豆閘門 上升

                                // 上升持續時間(秒)
                                var time4 = $("input[name=waiting_time_4]").val();
                                console.log('等待 ' + time4 + ' 秒')
                                var time = new Date();
                                while ((new Date() - time) < time4 * 1000) { };

                                // 生豆閘門 停止

                                // 暫停時間(秒)
                                var time5 = $("input[name=waiting_time_5]").val();
                                console.log('等待 ' + time5 + ' 秒')
                                var time = new Date();
                                while ((new Date() - time) < time5 * 1000) { };

                                // 生豆閘門 下降

                                // 下降持續時間(秒)
                                var time6 = $("input[name=waiting_time_6]").val();
                                console.log('等待 ' + time6 + ' 秒')
                                var time = new Date();
                                while ((new Date() - time) < time6 * 1000) { };

                                // 生豆閘門 停止

                                // 暫停時間(秒)
                                var time7 = $("input[name=waiting_time_7]").val();
                                console.log('等待 ' + time7 + ' 秒')
                                var time = new Date();
                                while ((new Date() - time) < time7 * 1000) { };
                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="output_Bean_testing()">出料測試</button>
                        function output_Bean_testing(){
                            // 循環次數
                            var loop4 = $("input[name=waiting_loop_4]").val();
                            console.log('--- 循環 ' + loop4 + ' 次 ---')

                            for (step = 1; step <= loop4; step++) {
                                // 出料_吸料機 ON 

                                // 吸料時間
                                var time16 = $("input[name=waiting_time_16]").val();
                                console.log('等待 ' + time16 + ' 秒')
                                var time = new Date();
                                while ((new Date() - time) < time16 * 1000) { };

                                // 出料_吸料機 OFF

                                // 放料時間
                                var time17 = $("input[name=waiting_time_17]").val();
                                console.log('等待 ' + time17 + ' 秒')
                                var time = new Date();
                                while ((new Date() - time) < time17 * 1000) { };

                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="tank_SolenoidWaterL4L5_testing()">出 4、5 閥逆洗</button>
                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="tank_SolenoidWaterL4L5_testing_OFF()">出 4、5 閥逆洗 OFF</button>
                        function tank_SolenoidWaterL4L5_testing(){
                            // 入水口_雙核泵 ON

                            // 水龍頭 ON
                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < 3 * 1000) { };

                            // 出水口 4、5_電磁閥 ON
                        function tank_SolenoidWaterL4L5_testing_OFF(){
                            // 出水口 4、5_電磁閥 OFF

                            // 水龍頭 OFF
                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < 3 * 1000) { };

                            // 入水口_雙核泵 OFF
                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="tank_SolenoidWaterL2L3_testing()">出 2、3 閥逆洗</button>
                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="tank_SolenoidWaterL2L3_testing_OFF()">出 2、3 閥逆洗 OFF</button>
                        function tank_SolenoidWaterL2L3_testing(){
                            // 入水口_雙核泵 ON

                            // 水龍頭 ON
                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < 3 * 1000) { };

                            // 出水口 4、5_雙核泵 ON

                            // 出水口 2、3_電磁閥 ON
                        function tank_SolenoidWaterL2L3_testing_OFF(){
                            // 出水口 2、3_電磁閥 OFF

                            // 出水口 4、5_雙核泵 OFF

                            // 水龍頭 OFF
                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < 3 * 1000) { };

                            // 入水口_雙核泵 OFF
                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="tank_CleanWash_testing()">清洗浮選連動測試</button>
                        function tank_CleanWash_testing(){
                            // 生豆閘門 DOWN
                            // tankSteppingMotor_DOWNSTOP()
                            // console.log('tankSteppingMotor_DOWN')

                            //入水口_雙核泵 ON

                            //入水口_雙核泵 ON 等待時間
                            var time10 = $("input[name=waiting_time_10]").val();
                            console.log('等待 ' + time10 + ' 秒')
                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < time10 * 1000) { };

                            //出水口 4、5_雙核泵 ON 

                            //出水口 4、5_雙核泵 ON 等待時間
                            var time11 = $("input[name=waiting_time_11]").val();
                            console.log('等待 ' + time11 + ' 秒')
                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < time11 * 1000) { };

                            //出水口 2、3_雙核泵 ON 

                            //出水口 2、3_雙核泵 ON 等待時間
                            var time12 = $("input[name=waiting_time_12]").val();
                            console.log('等待 ' + time12 + ' 秒')
                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < time12 * 1000) { };

                            //* 循環次數
                            var loop6 = $("input[name=waiting_loop_6]").val();
                            console.log('--- 循環 ' + loop6 + ' 次 ---')

                            for (step = 1; step <= loop6; step++) {
                                // 真空吸料機 ON

                                // 吸料時間 
                                var time13 = $("input[name=waiting_time_13]").val();
                                console.log('等待 ' + time13 + ' 秒')
                                var time = new Date();
                                while ((new Date() - time) < time13 * 1000) { };

                                // 真空吸料機 OFF

                                // 吸料時間
                                var time14 = $("input[name=waiting_time_14]").val();
                                console.log('等待 ' + time14 + ' 秒')
                                var time = new Date();
                                while ((new Date() - time) < time14 * 1000) { };


                            // 生豆閘門 UP

                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < 3 * 1000) { };


                            // 閘門開啟時間
                            var time15 = $("input[name=waiting_time_15]").val();
                            console.log('等待 ' + time15 + ' 秒')
                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < time15 * 1000) { };

                            // 生豆閘門 DOWN

                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < 3 * 1000) { };


                            var time20 = $("input[name=waiting_time_20]").val();
                            console.log('等待 ' + time20 + ' 秒')
                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < time20 * 1000) { };

                            // 循環次數
                            var loop5 = $("input[name=waiting_loop_5]").val();
                            console.log('--- 循環 ' + loop5 + ' 次 ---')

                            for (step = 1; step <= loop5; step++) {
                                // 出料_吸料機 ON 

                                // 吸料時間
                                var time18 = $("input[name=waiting_time_18]").val();
                                console.log('等待 ' + time18 + ' 秒')
                                var time = new Date();
                                while ((new Date() - time) < time18 * 1000) { };

                                // 出料_吸料機 OFF

                                // 放料時間
                                var time19 = $("input[name=waiting_time_19]").val();
                                console.log('等待 ' + time19 + ' 秒')
                                var time = new Date();
                                while ((new Date() - time) < time19 * 1000) { };


                    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="tank_CleanWash_OFF_testing()">清洗浮選出入水 OFF</button>
                        function tank_CleanWash_OFF_testing(){
                            //入水口_雙核泵 OFF

                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < 1 * 1000) { };

                            //出水口 4、5_雙核泵 OFF 

                            var time = new Date();
                            while ((new Date() - time) < 1 * 1000) { };

                            //出水口 2、3_雙核泵 OFF 


        <div style="text-align: center;">
            <input class="input-text" name="webupdate_time" value="5" style="width:100px;">
            <input type="button" class="input-button" value="設定更新時間" onclick="changeUpdate()">
            <script language="JavaScript">
                function changeUpdate() {

                    var webupdate_time = $("input[name=webupdate_time]").val()
                    console.log('webupdate_time' + webupdate_time)
                    WebUpdate_set = setTimeout(function(){WebUpdate(ctn)} , webupdate_time * 1000);

                // jQuery 更新感測器制動器狀態
                function WebUpdate(ctn) {
                    $.get('/loading/C' + ctn, '', function (res) {
                        if (res.tank_vacuum == 0) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-05").prop('checked', false);
                        } else if (res.tank_vacuum == 1) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-05").prop('checked', true);

                        if (res.tank_pump_waterFloat == 0) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-08").prop('checked', false);
                        } else if (res.tank_pump_waterFloat == 1) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-08").prop('checked', true);

                        if (res.tank_pump_waterL4L5 == 0) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-11").prop('checked', false);
                        } else if (res.tank_pump_waterL4L5 == 1) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-11").prop('checked', true);

                        if (res.tank_pump_waterInput == 0) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-14").prop('checked', false);
                        } else if (res.tank_pump_waterInput == 1) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-14").prop('checked', true);

                        if (res.tank_solenoid_waterL2L3 == 0) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-17").prop('checked', false);
                        } else if (res.tank_solenoid_waterL2L3 == 1) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-17").prop('checked', true);

                        if (res.tank_solenoid_waterL4L5 == 0) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-20").prop('checked', false);
                        } else if (res.tank_solenoid_waterL4L5 == 1) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-20").prop('checked', true);

                        if (res.tank_stepping_motor == 0) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-23").prop('checked', false);
                        } else if (res.tank_stepping_motor == 1) {
                            $("#cmn-toggle-23").prop('checked', true);


                        setTimeout(function(){WebUpdate(ctn)}, 5 * 1000);

                    }, 'json');



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            <!-- 匯入共同使用的 footer.html 內容 -->
            {% include 'footer.html' %}

