@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ sudo apt-get install wget -y
sudo apt-get install python3-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev build-essential -y
sudo apt-get install python3-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev build-essential -y
step1_t2=$(date +"%S")
step1_t2=$(date +"%S")
-echo 'Item1 Common Command 安裝時間:' $((step1_t2-step1_t1)) '秒' >>test.log
+echo 'Item1 Common Command 安裝時間:' $((step1_t2-step1_t1)) '秒' >>/home/使用者/test.log
#Item2 LAMP
#Item2 LAMP
step2_t1=$(date +"%S")
step2_t1=$(date +"%S")
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ sudo mysql -u root -e "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_nativ
#sudo mysql -u root -e "ALTER USER $user@$ip IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY $pwd;"
#sudo mysql -u root -e "ALTER USER $user@$ip IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY $pwd;"
step2_t2=$(date +"%S")
step2_t2=$(date +"%S")
-echo 'Item2 LAMP 安裝時間:' $((step2_t2-step2_t1)) '秒' >>test.log
+echo 'Item2 LAMP 安裝時間:' $((step2_t2-step2_t1)) '秒' >>/home/使用者/test.log
echo "setting mysql done"
echo "setting mysql done"
#Item3 MQTT
#Item3 MQTT
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ cd /home/使用者;pwd;sudo git clone -b mosquitto --single-branch http://60.250
sudo systemctl restart mosquitto
sudo systemctl restart mosquitto
step3_t2=$(date +"%S")
step3_t2=$(date +"%S")
-echo 'Item3 MQTT 安裝時間:' $((step3_t2-step3_t1)) '秒' >>test.log
+echo 'Item3 MQTT 安裝時間:' $((step3_t2-step3_t1)) '秒' >>/home/使用者/test.log
echo "mqtt server file done"
echo "mqtt server file done"
# install&setting mqtt client
# install&setting mqtt client
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local
sudo systemctl restart rc-local.service
sudo systemctl restart rc-local.service
step4_t2=$(date +"%S")
step4_t2=$(date +"%S")
-echo 'Item4 Watchdog 安裝時間:' $((step4_t2-step4_t1)) '秒' >>test.log
+echo 'Item4 Watchdog 安裝時間:' $((step4_t2-step4_t1)) '秒' >>/home/使用者/test.log
echo "watchdog file done"
echo "watchdog file done"
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ cd /home/使用者;pwd;git clone
step5_t2=$(date +"%S")
step5_t2=$(date +"%S")
-echo 'Item5 Git Server 安裝時間:' $((step5_t2-step5_t1)) '秒' >>test.log
+echo 'Item5 Git Server 安裝時間:' $((step5_t2-step5_t1)) '秒' >>/home/使用者/test.log
echo "Git Server done"
echo "Git Server done"
# ./gogs web
# ./gogs web
@@ -123,14 +123,14 @@ step6_t1=$(date +"%S")
cd /home/使用者;pwd;git clone -b package --single-branch;cd Automatically_install_files/;pwd;sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd /home/使用者;pwd;git clone -b package --single-branch;cd Automatically_install_files/;pwd;sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
step6_t2=$(date +"%S")
step6_t2=$(date +"%S")
-echo 'Item6 Python packegs Library 安裝時間:' $((step6_t2-step6_t1)) '秒' >>test.log
+echo 'Item6 Python packegs Library 安裝時間:' $((step6_t2-step6_t1)) '秒' >>/home/使用者/test.log
#Item7 AP(WebPage)
#Item7 AP(WebPage)
step7_t1=$(date +"%S")
step7_t1=$(date +"%S")
cd /home/使用者;pwd;sudo git clone /home/使用者/CoffeeProject/
cd /home/使用者;pwd;sudo git clone /home/使用者/CoffeeProject/
step7_t2=$(date +"%S")
step7_t2=$(date +"%S")
-echo 'Item7 AP(WebPage) 安裝時間:' $((step7_t2-step7_t1)) '秒' >>test.log
+echo 'Item7 AP(WebPage) 安裝時間:' $((step7_t2-step7_t1)) '秒' >>/home/使用者/test.log
echo "AP done"
echo "AP done"
#Item8 ROS ubuntu 18.04 melodic
#Item8 ROS ubuntu 18.04 melodic
@@ -171,5 +171,5 @@ source ~/.bashrc
printenv | grep ROS
printenv | grep ROS
step8_t2=$(date +"%S")
step8_t2=$(date +"%S")
-echo 'Item8 ROS ubuntu 18.04 melodic 安裝時間:' $((step8_t2-step8_t1)) '秒' >>test.log
+echo 'Item8 ROS ubuntu 18.04 melodic 安裝時間:' $((step8_t2-step8_t1)) '秒' >>/home/使用者/test.log
echo "ROS done"
echo "ROS done"